On September 21, in a friendly and sincere atmosphere, we presented the renewed OPORA. We changed from the outside and are willed with a renewed mission. OPORA not only works in the field of elections but has grown up, rethinks the problem of choice and focuses on the topics of security and justice.

OPORA grew out of student activist group aimed at combating electoral fraud. 17 years ago, we embarked on the path of struggle for increasing public participation in the political life and governance systems of Ukraine. Today, OPORA is a network that has unique expertise at local, national and international levels.

One of OPORA's assets is its time-tested reputation. Our opinion is listened to (almost 200 signatories of the statement against the elections; involvement in various working groups; international events). OPORA is a co-founder of the European organization European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE), a member of the European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations (ENEMO) and the Global Network of Domestic Election Monitors (GNDEM), headed by the Chair of the Board of OPORA Olha Aivazovska. We joined the International Council of Experts under the Office of the Prosecutor General on Crimes Committed in the Context of Armed Conflict. OPORA became a co-founder of the International Center for Ukrainian Victory, which operates at the global level.

The choice and elections — real competition of ideas and political participation, while the election campaign is only a tool for peaceful transfer of power. The choice is also a struggle for values and principles that requires professional work with the parliament, partners and civil society.

In February 2022, each of us asked ourselves: "What can I do to help us win?" We are still dreaming of a common future in a modern, successful and free state of Ukraine. Some of us joined the ranks of the Defense Forces and fight for democratic Ukraine on the frontline, while others serve the interests of Ukrainian society in the role of civilians. There is only one true answer to the difficult existential question “Why are we doing this?”:


As of today, we’ve branched out into new areas of activities:

  • →  reform of political institutions

  • →  preparation for the first post-war elections

  • →  security and sustainable peace

  • →  global advocacy for Ukraine’s national interests

  • →  establishment of a Special tribunal and documentation of war crimes committed by Russians

  • →  analysis of Russia’s influence on political processes in Ukraine

  • →  research on Russian disinformation activities

  • →  challenges in the development of local communities, transition of power to civil system in the post-war period

  • →  research and prediction of migration processes

  • →  data, OSINT and a new level of quality of analytics

We employ innovative work approaches and process a large amount of open data obtained through the use of unique tools and cooperation. We conduct investigations and research studies, in which we reveal the origins and primary sources, interrelations and influences. We analyze the public opinion on a permanent basis to compare our decisions with the public demands.