For the graduates’ relief, the staff of the testing points advised them to produce medical certificates about the illness that could hinder the tests. The illness that was validated by the certificate of the health care institution is considered the objective reason that gives the right to participate in the extra session of the external testing. Today OPORA began to accept the alarm calls from the graduates’ questions what to do if the doctor refused to issue the certificate.

Firstly, we recommend all the graduates not to use such advice and not to try producing “false” certificates. The EIT whose aim is to promote the equal right for education shouldn’t favor such corruption.

Secondly, OPORA recommends the participants that lost the chance to pass EIT because of absence of the certificate to address LRCEQE with the ask to produce the duplicate.

Thirdly, we recommend to get the approval with the stamp in the post offices that the certificate wasn’t handed to the addressee, and to register for the extra session. As OPORA was assured in LRCEQE, the center will help the graduates that couldn’t come to the testing premises because of the objective reasons – they will be registered for session on June, 27 – July, 3.

As OPORA already claimed, one of the reasons of dismissal of the participants to the testing was the absence of the certificate. Such situation is based on 2 factors. Firstly, the pupils inattentively learned the list of required documents for testing – the certificate (the document for the mark about passing EIT that is later filed to the admission board for the graduation to the universities), passport (birth certificate) and the invitation. This list was on the websites of UCEQE and RCEQE’s and was in the information bulletin received by the graduates with the certificate. But UCEQE didn’t spread the information through other channels – communal TV channels or the newspapers. There also wasn’t a concept of information campaign maintained by regional centers.

One more reason why the graduates couldn’t participate in EIT was the absence of the certificates. We remind that the registration for this year testing was conducted according to changed procedures. The participant sent the paper with personal data and chosen subjects for testing, and as a response he received the certificate and the information bulletin with basic rights and duties. The procedure of the recommended notification presupposes that the participant receives the mailing notification that in the post office he should take the letter after validating the process by personal signature. In 3 weeks before the testing the participant got one more letter with permit-invitation and the addresses of the testing points.

But, as it turned out during the first testing in Ukrainian language and literature, not all the people wishing to pass EIT got the certificates. The graduates wishing to pass EIT without the documents came at school # 45 in Lviv. They were sure that they will be given the certificates in the testing point. The question of non-receiving of the certificates is still open. They could omit the notification in the mail box and therefore couldn’t receive the certificate. There is no denying the fact that the graduates could address to the testing points earlier and inform about the absent certificates. On the other hand, lack of information for the pupils about the procedures of EIT worsened the problem.

More information:
Olha Strelyuk,
The coordinator of public observation for EIT-2011 in Lviv
+38 032 254 61 63
+38 063 628 68 36