On 18 August the CEC finished registration of candidates in nationwide multi-member and single-member majoritarian districts Among popular trends of 2012 Parliamentary campaign is the participation of candidates-doubles, that is namesakes of prominent politicians. According to the analysis of CEC decisions, 'doubles' are standing as candidates in 31 single-member districts. Such tactic may lead to the confusion of voters on the election day. It was applied against 44 candidates.


In 4 single-mandate districts, a number of candidates-namesakes reached three: #80 – three Volkovs, #98 – three Boikos, #122 – three Kozaks, #225 – three Parkhomenkos. Some pairs of namesakes were also registered in other districts. Thus, there are two Hudzenkys, Svitovenkos and Tytarenkos in Kyiv oblast in district #92, in district #91 – two Boikos and Poplavskyis, in district #98 - two Mishchenkos and Polishchuks. Districts in Luhansk oblast are also 'rich' with candidates-namesakes: #104 (2 Vasylenkos, 2 Shapovalovs, 2 Honcharovs), #108 (2 Moshenskyis, 2 Ternikovs), #109 (2 Makarovs, 2 Medianyks). In Sumy oblast, there are two candidates with surname Bilous and two with Noha in district #160, and in Khmelnytsk oblast – two Shpaks and two Bondars in district # 191.

Although this this is a tactic of a non-competitive struggle, there are no legal methods to counter it. Therefore, the CEC had to register all the 'doubles', which submitted necessary documents and reliable information It's interesting, that among those who planned to run in single-member constituencies, seven people had outstanding conviction for committing intentional crime. After verification of data, the CEC refused to register these citizens.

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