*In July OPORA continues publishing monthly reports on the monitoring on pre-election situation in the regions of Ukraine. The organization has analyzed the content of the campaigns of parties and candidates, studied reports on abuse of administrative resource and bribing voters. Examples provided in the report allow Opora to define pre-election tendencies, but cannot be viewed as a complete list of facts recorded by our organization.

OPORA’s public observation is one of the  actions of the network aimed at unbiased evaluation of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing violations by means of complete public control. Civic Network OPORA has signed the Declaration of Global Principles for Non-Partisan Election Observation and Monitoring by Citizen Organizations that calls for long-term observation and analysis of all the election process stages, as well as the broader political context and the quality of elections.  Professional monitoring of all stages of elections indirectly affects  the quality of campaign. By collecting and sharing information among target audience, monitoring groups help to form public opinion inside and outside the country.  The strategic goal of public observation is to improve the electoral system and its component procedures. In 2012 during elections of the members to the Ukrainian Parliament the OPORA network is conducting a large scale campaign of long and short term observation, organizing a statistical vote count of the election results based on a representative sample for the proportional element of the election system based on the representative sample and will ensure 100% coverage of precincts by its observers in some single mandate election districts.  In the framework of long term observation OPORA observers will be working in each of 225 districts who will be joint by 3 500 activists on the Election Day. Our organization will be using new technologies of distribution of information on observation results among which iconography and interactive maps.

At the current stage of public monitoring campaign there are 24 oblast coordinators, 2 in AR Crimean and Kyiv city observing elections. Starting with July 30th with official start of elections their number will increase to 251.


Results of Parliamentary election 2012 will show if the future European integration  of Ukraine, in the political and economic spheres is realistic.  The means of system of evaluating election results is rather simple and relates to international democratic practices and standards. The campaign must be competitive and free, the results must be fair, which means  reflecting citizens’ will.  A no  less important factor is the legal framework, which can guarantee protection of electoral  rights of citizens and accordingly governs electoral procedures,  and stipulates  accountability for violation of such procedures.

Two important events took place in Ukraine in the course of this month which might have a systematic effect on the election campaign: on July 6th Parliament hastily and without proper technical justification adopted wholesale  the law of Ukraine “On distinctions of ensuring openness, transparency and democracy of election of members of Parliament on October 28, 2012) (#№10681). As a result, additional 993 million UAH were allocated for this innovation – complete video monitoring at the election precincts. On July 16th the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (Regulation #633) initiated the creation of a special interagency working group in order to “promote coordination of activities of the bodies of executive power in ensuring their openness and publicity in the course of elections”.  

 The authority of the group is unreasonably wide taking into consideration its declared goals and its status of being a “temporary consulting body of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine”. It is not clear what additional information apart from that already available to CEC the government plans to receive from local bodies of power and local governance, enterprises and companies and for what purpose and by what means representatives of these structures will be encouraged to participate in this group.  In the absence of clear tasks and authority of the working group there is a threat of hidden administrative interference into election process by the central bodies of state power. OPORA draws attention to the apparent imbalance between the official powers of some members of the working group and formal tasks they are entrusted with. For example, the group will be headed by the Vice Prime-Minister of Ukraine, Minister of infrastructure, Borys Kolesnikov[1].

CN OPORA believes that adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On distinctions of ensuring openness, transparency and democracy of election of members of Parliament on October 28, 2012» (№ 10681) and installing video cameras at polling stations is a failed attempt to copy foreign experience on ensuring transparency and openness of the process.  The system proposed for video monitoring  at  polling sites will not be a serious obstacle to the commission of  offenses and nor prevent fraud during parliamentary elections.  Opora draws this conclusion on the basis of the vagueness of the law and the technical parameters of the proposed system (statement by OPORA on the installation of video cameras – http://oporaua.org/news/1566-opora-ocinyly-zakonodavchi-novaciji-lpro-veb-kameryr-na-dilnycjah).

Creating decent and equal opportunities for political competition is the key to a competitive election campaign in Ukraine.  OPORA observers designed their own evaluation of commitment of potential political players and bodies of power in July 2012 which is based on the principles that have a major effect on the competition in political environment.  The  “Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters” by the EU’s Venice Commission, which is one of the basic documents that establishes international standards of organizing and conducting democratic elections, notes  five main features of equality in election process: 1) equal rights during voting (1 voter – 1 vote); 2) mandate equality (number of voters in the districts should be similar); 3) equality of national minorities through permission of activities of such political forces; 4) equal opportunities of candidates and political parties in access to mass media, voters, unbiased treatment by bodies of power and officials, state financing of parties and campaigns; 5) equality and parity of genders, including mechanism of introducing quotas for women representation among candidates. OPORA observers believe that equality of candidates’ opportunities may become one of the main criteria  by which the election is evaluated.  

The most dangerous political trend of last months of the non-official stage of campaign is numerous instances of use of budget and state power (two types of administrative resources).  In the first case funds from local or state budgets are used by the party or candidate for activities related to their own election campaign. Power administrative resource is when bodies which have authority to put pressure (law enforcement, militia, prosecutors office, security service of Ukraine, customs, tax office) illegally protect interests of certain politician or parties or put pressure on the other.

Abuse of power authority in order to create additional advantages for certain participants of political competition in Ukrainian realities is the biggest threat to free competition during elections.  Usage of budget resource is not difficult to check and record, while power one can be identified only analytically.  A potential candidate who is part of the court process may  announce his readiness to run for elections in single mandate constituency or  a political party may achieve a  positive rating and then  there are audits, investigations or court hearings correspond in time with the start of the election process.  When  investigative activities are aimed at eliminating competitive players from the campaign,  such actions may have features of power administrative resource. Therefore, without attempting to replace law enforcement investigating these incidents, OPORA observers inform the public about incidents which might involve  political pressure on the candidates or their surroundings. Law enforcement bodies of the higher level must be especially attentive when investigating  such  facts and give assessment on legal grounds and without political bias..

An additional threat to democratic elections is candidate or parties bribing citizens, affecting the the right to vote. According to the data of opinion polls conducted by Foundation “Democratic initiatives” named after Ilko Kucheriv, 10% of citizens of Ukraine are ready to sell the right of free choice for the amount from 50 to 500 UAH and 17,6% believe that it’s a legal and popular campaign method. OPORA observers state that bribing and pre election charity activities of the candidates has become a trend of campaign. OPORA believe that bribing is a form of falsifying election results. If this negative practice continues it will influence  the elections results.

As a result of monitoring the  pre election situation in Ukraine (April-July 2012) we can state that elections have a chance to become  competitive if abuse of administrative resource and bribery will result in  legal consequences for the violators and all the candidates will be equal before the law.


Threats and risks for election contestants 

  • Administrative resource and abuse of office in political or electoral purposes remains the threat to ensuring equality of opportunity for candidates. OPORA observers continue to record abuse of office by officials of local governments in order to support some of electoral contestants  as well as state and regional social programs used as a part of campaigning of candidates and election lobbying of MPs.
  • Officials use a wide range of administrative resources to facilitate campaigning of candidates. Potential subjects of the election process are invited to participate in official events of the authorities, including opening of new social and cultural facilities, or awarding or providing financial assistance, pro-government candidates’ activities are covered on the websites of authorities, public sector employees are being involved into campaigning.
  • Current MPs are active work, using their status to influence the distribution of state funds and partly implement their own campaigns from the state budget.
  • Relations and debates among political players have been aggravated. OPORA observers recorded some conflicts, which involved law enforcement bodies. The trend of July is increasingly used "black PR" as a method of political struggle and spreading false information about activities or curriculum vitae of candidates.
  • Cases of obstructing meetings of candidates and voters by refusing to lease facilities have became more common; the number of incidents related to the prohibition of street protests has also increased.

Features of the pre-election campaign of candidates and parties within July

  • The number of protests organized by the united opposition of "Batkivshchyna" and "Svoboda" has significantly increased. The reason for the radicalization of the opposition political forces is a result of the vote of parliamentary majority on the "language law", which was held in violation of regulations. The opposition has mobilized its members for holding unscheduled sessions of local councils in the western and central regions of the country, announced the action "Ukraine against Yanukovych" to gather signatures under the statement of court claim from Arseniy Yatseniuk to the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovich.
  • The "language" issue has been actively used by the Party of Regions. In its core areas the party in power initiated the sessions of local councils and actions in support of the controversial law. A distinctive feature of the pre-election campaign of the Party of Regions is the use of social initiatives of the government and local authorities that are being implemented at the cost of state budget, for self-promotion.
  • Other political players use new methods of campaigning. In July the party "Ukraine-Forward" focused its activities on promoting the project "Vote for People's list", however, no other public activities of its branches in the regions were conducted. The party "UDAR" was one of the first who published the names of almost all of its candidates in majority constituencies.
  • The last month before the start of elections was crucial for majoritarian candidates. Many politicians have long worked in constituencies solving the economic problems of the areas, building playgrounds, giving voters products and food bags, funding social and cultural events. The vast majority of candidates have used illegal methods of campaigning - indirect bribery of voters. There are many cases of cash voter bribing under various pretexts: social assistance, personal scholarships, salaries of quasi-agitators. Since the official start of the campaign (July 30), such cases have been a subject to criminal penalties.


Bases on synthesis of the results of observations carried out by OPORA within the pre-election period and analysis of key issues and risks, a number of recommendations for various participants of the election process have been elaborated. At the beginning of the campaign, OPORA is forwarding these recommendations to the relevant bodies and organizations in the hope that their account will help to improve the election process in Ukraine.

To the Central Election Commission

  • To increase transparency, including by means of informing the public in full about the intermediate stages of preparation of draft decisions, to ensure early and systematic informing of national and international observers, and media representatives on the agenda of CEC meetings;
  • To publish on the official website transcripts of Commission meetings to fully inform the public of the process of decision-making;
  • During educational activities that are financed from state budget funds, to systematically explain the concept of voter bribing, to inform about its characteristics and liability for such activities;
  •  To monitor violations of the laws on bribery of voters and immediately contact law enforcement agencies to check the facts;
  •  To adopt a Resolution with an official explanation on banning the interference of civil servants into the election process;
  •  To adopt a Resolution with an official explanation concerning the conduct of covert election campaigning at public expense, under the pretext of candidates’ participation in official activities of the state authorities and local governments;
  •  To adopt Guidelines for local authorities on streamlining the process of conducting activities and events related to the election campaign, including procedures for notification on planned activities;
  • Before the formation of district election commissions to organize regular monitoring of compliance with election laws in constituencies.
  • To ensure the high-quality process of preparations to video observation at the polling stations with preliminary expert and public discussion of technical specifications; timely publicize information of the conduct of relevant activities.

To Political Parties and Potential Candidates

  • To publicly express their position on any form of voter bribery and to ensure compliance with regulations respected by all the representatives of parties, a party should refuse to support those who committed bribery during the informal part of the campaign;
  • In its activities to stick to the principle of fair competition; not to use the achievements of state authorities and local governments in private campaign interests; and to stop distributing campaign material as if it is a civic advertising;
  • To refrain from using "black PR" as a method of campaigning and spreading false information, but to concentrate on conveying platform principles and positions to voters;
  • To stop collective admission to the party, especially, when it comes to public institutions, because such cases are usually associated with the use of administrative resources;
  • To oblige the party members, who hold positions in local government, and are planning to participate in the election campaign, to take vacation at work for the period of campaigning;
  • Financing of election campaigns should be transparent, and the information on financial sources should be published in full.

To Officials of State Bodies and Local Authorities

  • To ensure conditions for monitoring of the government during the election process, including through free access of civic observers and journalists to public consultation and advisory meetings and events of authorities;
  • To recognize that combination of administrative and party activity is unacceptable, to come back to the practice of taking vacations by candidates and other participants of the election process, which occupy positions in authorities;
  • To refrain from using state and local social programs to promote individual parties or candidates;
  •  To ensure unbiased treatment and equal conditions for campaigning for all candidates, including the meetings with voters, to refrain from campaigning "for" or "against" the participants of the election process;
  • Leadership of authorities shall monitor reports on the abuse of office by their subordinates and hold them accountable, if such facts are proved.

To the Law Enforcement Bodies and Supervisory Authorities

  • To systemically and impartially examine the facts and notifications concerning voter bribery committed by deputy candidates, regularly inform the public about the measures taken in response;
  • During the election campaign not to conduct unscheduled inspections of enterprises and institutions related to participants of the political process in order to avoid accusations of political persecution;
  •  When conducting investigations of actions taken by the subjects of the election process to behave reasonably and provide all the information on the course of events;
  •  To ensure unbiased treatment of all participants of the election campaign and order during political events or actions;
  •  To promptly respond to the notices concerning pressure or threats addressed to politicians and activists of political parties.

To the National Agency for Civil Service of Ukraine

  • To develop and adopt regulations that would ensure political impartiality of civil servants and municipal officials within the election process;
  • Establish a transparent control over compliance of civil servants’ actions with the applicable law in matters relating to the election process.

To the mass media

  • To comply with editorial policy and standards of journalism on informing the public about the current socio-political developments of the region and state, including activities of political parties and their representatives;
  • In the materials on the course of the campaign to stick to objectivity and balance of opinions by means of covering information on both the pro-government and oppositional politicians.


Due to unclear electoral laws, political parties actively campaigned over the past 4 months with unlimited shadow election funds. Costs spent prior to the official registration and becoming a subject of the election process are not properly accounted for and are not subject to public reporting. Given the extent and intensity of preliminary campaign, we can surely conclude that real costs spent by parties will be substantially underestimated compared to the officially declared electoral expenses within the funds. Although it is necessary to distinguish ordinary political  advertising from that which occurs in the electoral campaign and should be accounted for as such, the content of key messages, and increased intensity and frequency of their use confirms that they are electoral.   The shadowiness of election expenses is one of the key issues of this year's campaign.

Within July, the regional conference of the Party of Regions, Communist Party, "UDAR" were held, at which members of the party formed the proposals concerning future candidates. Most activities were organized as semi-closed – with no advance announcement and invitation of journalists or NGO representatives. Almost all the election campaign offices on the regional level of the leading political parties have been formed, which in most cases are headed by party functionaries. The operation of these structures remains nonpublic.

In July, six political parties: United Opposition "For Batkivshchyna," Party of Regions, "UDAR", the Communist Party, "Svoboda" and "Ukraine– Forward!" – finally launched a nationwide promotional campaign.  The top issue of the month was the "language issue", the Law of Ukraine "On principles of language policy" which was approved in second reading.  If during the preceding 3-month campaign the aim was to increase the recognisability of parties and politicians through the use of outdoor advertising, in media and celebrations, in July, the situation has substantially changed. The results of deputies’ voting in violation of parliamentary procedure of bills considering caused a public disturbance and moved conflict between pro-government and opposition parties out of the hall of the Parliament into the streets and squares of cities, where meetings and pickets are held.  Political parties gathered signatures in support of the (Communist Party, Party of Regions) or against (United Opposition "For Batkivshchyna" VO "Svoboda", "UDAR") the signing of the "Language Law" by the President. Union "For Batkivshchyna" initiated a nationwide campaign "Ukrainewithout Yanukovych."

Parties use external advertising most intensively. Union "For Batkivshchyna" caught up with the leader of the previous month – the party "Ukraine - Forward!" Party of Regions and Communists are close to them in the frequency of billboards, leading predominantly in the eastern regions ofUkraine, and "UDAR." VO "Svoboda" uses outdoor advertising for campaigning less actively.

The electoral preferences of citizens area also affected by placing sponsored materials in print and electronic media. The greatest amount of so called «jeans» is reported in the local municipal and governmental publications. Activities of the Party of Regions, "Ukraine– Forward! ", "UDAR "and "For Batkivshchyna" are most often highlighted in such a way.

In terms of street campaigning in July "Ukraine – Forward!" is the leader with its nationwide campaign involving street tents for candidates who should join the official list of this political force.  United Opposition "For Batkivshchyna" and "Svoboda", besides ‘tent’ campaign regularly conducted protest actions, meetings, pickets. Agitators of CPU are also actively working with voters, especially in eastern and southern regions ofUkraine.

United Opposition "For Batkivshchyna" and the CPU most actively promoted their own election programs among other parties. Other political forces are less focused on promoting their political platforms and are mainly working on increasing recognisability of their leaders or criticising of opponents.

Regional conference of the Party of Regions, Communist Party, and "The UDAR" were held during July, where members of the party suggested proposals for future candidates. Most activities were organized in semi-closed mode – no preliminary announcement and invitation of journalists, NGO representatives. Almost all election campaign offices of leading political forces in oblasts of are created, which are mostly headed by party functionaries. The work of these structures remains non-public.

Activities of Political Parties

Party of Regions

A feature of Party of Regions’ campaigning is the use of social initiatives implemented at cost of the state budget for the party’s campaign.

In all regions of Ukraine billboards and city lights are placed to remind voters about the achievements of the current government in implementing reforms in the country ("Ruins are overcame – stability is achieved!") and successes in the Euro 2012 organizing ("Championship passes – achievements remain"). In the eastern and southern regions of Ukraine, along with those slogans used nationally there are completely local ones: "2012 is the year of fiscal justice", "Oblast received from State Budget investment subsidies for 507 million hryvnya" (Zaporizhia region), "Crimean! Be proud of today"(ARC, in Russian).

PRU actively mobilize staff of their youth organization ("Young Regions") for entertainment and social activities in the regions. In some regions, for example in Zhytomyr, oblast the work of public reception offices of this political party intensified their work.

In some regions ofUkraine(Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv oblasts) local pro-government candidates tried to distance themselves from the Party of Regions due to the Parliament’s voting for "Language Law". While in the eastern regions of the Party of Regions held meetings in support of the "Language Law" and initiated the appropriate appeals to the President on behalf of local Councils deputies.

Union “For Batkivshchyna”

During July "For Batkivshchyna" implemented several election projects: pickets and rallies against the Law "On the Principles of the Language Policy", adopted on July 3, 2012, public discussion of its election program, the action " Ukraine against Yanukovych" – set up tents for collecting of documents from citizens to participate as a third party in the lawsuit of opposition leader Arseniy Yatseniuk against the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovich.

Along with massive outdoor advertising, United Opposition’s representatives actively disseminated literature from their tents and organized collection of signatures under the appeal against the "Language Law." In some regions (Volyn, Lviv, Rivne, Ivano-Frankivsk oblasts) members of the "For Batkivshchyna" Union had initiated the convening of extraordinary sessions on "the situation in Ukraine in connection with the adoption of the Law "On Principles of language Policy" with an appeal to the State leadership to impose a veto on the "Language Law "For Batkivshchyna" organized "fan-zone of the Ukrainian language" in Lviv center.

In Chernihiv oblast the United Opposition is not present in the outdoor advertising market. The site http://www.pik.cn.ua/vybory-2010/8548-zovnishnja-reklama-v-chernigovi-opozyciji-tut-ne-misce-foto-  quotes Peoples’ Deputy Andriy Shevchenko, and the head of Chernihiv branch of VO "Motherland" Alexander Kodol: "Opposition in Chernihiv, according to the direction of regional administration, is not given any advertising space and the broadcast time on municipal television."

Activists of the "For Batkivshchyna" Union who most often visitedregions were: Andriy Parubiy (Mykolayiv, Zhytomyr, Khmelnytsk, Chernivtsi), Borys Tarasyuk (Kherson, Zhitomir, Cherkassy), Andrew Pishnii (Kherson, Odesa, Zhitomir), Olesya Orobets (Mykolayiv, Kherson, Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr, Khmelnytsky, Chernivtsi), Sergei Sobolev (Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhya, Odesa), Oleksandra Kugel (Zhitomir), Gennady Moskal (Khmelnytsky, Chernivtsi).

“Ukraine-Forward!” Party

In July, "Ukraine- Forward!" launched a massive tent campaign "Vote for People's list" in all oblasts ofUkraine. In party tents voters are given a ballot, where they  may chose candidates from this political force. The party remains  a leaders in outdoor advertising and intensive works with the media. Along with the traditional political advertising it uses exclusive campaigning formats – TV show "People’s List" at the first national TV channel and the movie "The parliamentary elections in Ukraine in 2012" broadcast on local TV of Donetsk and Lviv. Activities of «Ukraine- Forward!» are led by its campaign office performing purely technological function.

Main visitors to the regions are Natalia Korolevska who visited Chernihiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava, Cherkassy oblasts, and Evhen Suslow – Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, Zakarpattya oblasts.

AUA «Svoboda»

All-Ukrainian Association “Svoboda” has launched a massive pre-election campaign which holds protests, organizing  rallies against the “language law” (in Volyn, Zakarpatskyi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Rivne, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Kirovohrad, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson, Zaporizhzhya, Mykolaiv, Vinnitsa, Khmelnytsky, Cherkasy, Chernivtsi regions). Deputies from the All-Ukrainian Association “Svoboda” participated in the extraordinary session of local councils to consider the “language law” (in Volyn, Lviv, Ternopil regions). In July “Svoboda” was regularly organizing trips of activists from Western Ukraine to protest actions in Kyiv.

Political party “UDAR”

Their pre-election activity is most concentrated in outdoor advertising. Key political party slogans – “Politics may be sincere!” and “From a person's success - to the success of the country.” Representatives of “UDAR” have set up party tents in the largest settlements ofWestern Ukraineand have distributed propaganda newspapers. “UDAR” joined the protest activities against the language law in Zakarpatskyi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, Chernihiv, Kirovohrad regions. “UDAR”, the first among the parties announced the most comprehensive list of its majority-candidates and drew criticism from other opposition forces.   This concerned the actions of the party such as preventing any  negotiating joint candidates in single seat constituencies.

Communist Party

CPU (Communist Party of Ukraine) conducts a massive campaign using all forms of campaigning (outdoor advertising, outdoor activities, media campaigns) inDonetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv,Sumy, Chernihiv,Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk,Kirovogradregions andCrimea. The Communists are also active in some areas of Volyn region (tent campaign, media campaign). The key party visitor is Petro Symonenko (in particular he visitedKherson, Mykolayiv, and Odesa regions).

Other parties run campaigning activity only in some regions ofUkraine- Ukrainian People's Party - in Rivne region, “UnitedCenter” - in Zakarpatskyi region, “Democratic Alliance” - in Chernihiv, Dnipropetrovsk regions, “People's Party” - in Zhytomyr region.

New and unusual forms of campaigning

In Donetsk region Communists used auto calling of citizens as part of an information campaign concerning the visit of Petro Symonenko. In Donetskpeople were receiving calls on landline phones, that are served by JSC “Ukrtelecom”, they were informed about the place and time of the event. At the beginning of the “talk” an artificial voice greeted an addressee and then there was heard the melody of the USSR, afterwards an invitation for the meet with a politician was announced in an emotional enthusiastic tone. Similar technology was used in Dnipropetrovsk by "Svoboda". Mobile subscribers received text messages with an invitation to come to a meeting to protect Ukrainian language and an event on the renaming of streets named after "Ukrainian executioners."

The regional headquarters of the political party "Democratic Alliance" in Chernigov, when collecting funds for an election deposit, held "Auction of interesting possibilities." The event was organized on-line and everyone could choose one of the lots to purchase offering a competitive price.

InChernigov and Dnipropetrovsk regions, CPU campaigned using specially equipped campaign-cars. The cars are feature mobile advertising and campaigning and are covered with party symbols and equipped with loudspeakers.

Activities of the parties involving indirect voter bribery and abuse of administrative resource. 

Campaign activities of the Party of Regions in Odessa region are significantly different from the rest of Ukraine and, especially, are implemented through the “People's Budget” and “People's medical examination”. The essence of the campaign “People's Budget” is to promote  consideration of “voters’ demands” during the budget process of any territorial-administrative unit in 2012 which may result in funding for road repairs, gas supply, repair or completion of schools, hospitals, other social-cultural objects. However, “people's budget” is a renamed version of the “development budget" of communities that is normally accepted each year without publicity. The implementation of programs of national budget is accompanied by a loud information campaign, which specifies that this is the initiative of the Party of Regions. In addition the relevant party logo is used at all events.  Workers that repair the road in Odessa are dressed in clothing that also has the inscription “People's Budget” with the PoR logo.

In July, "People's medical examination" activities similar to the "People's Budget" was added to campaigning.  This is the annual routine medical examination. However, in 2012 such examinations are organized on a bigger scope and with background information.  A logo is placed on the party banner with the name of the program. During the medical examination of citizens,  campaign materials are distributed. "Peoples’ medical examination", as well as the "People's Budget", is conducted at the expense of the state budget.

In Zhytomyr region with the support of the Party of Regions “mobile social offices” are working. Every week the specialists of the Pension Fund, social services and doctors visit the region. “Mobile social offices” organize information-explanatory work among the population, aimed at highlighting problems of state social policy in 2012. For instance, in Chudniv, Zhytomyr region reception with citizens were held by the head of district administration, district chairman of the Party of Regions Maxym Samchyk, head of the Ivanopilska village council and staff from the Pension Fund of the Zhytomyr region, Department of Labor and Social Welfare workers.


Before the official start of the electoral process leading political forces have not completed the process of approval of candidates in single member constituencies. The most efficient and coordinated was the structure of the Party of Regions that previously had launched campaigns in many constituencies. United opposition “Batkivschyna” and All-Ukrainian Association “Svoboda” had delayed coordination process of majority-candidates, whichhad a negative impact on their activity.  The party of Vitali Klychko“UDAR” presented its candidates in most constituencies, but has not started active campaigning. The Communist Party of Ukraine and the People's Party are represented by influential politicians in the constituencies, but the number of active districts is insignificant.  

In order to take into consideration the regional distribution of electoral preferences of citizens, pro-government forces rely not only on their own party members, but also support some self nominated candidates. In districts with a low rating of PR, local authorities promote campaign activities of businessmen and government officials who formally intend to run for parliament with the status of self-nominated.

Oppositional political parties have a shortage of influential majority-candidates in areas that are traditionally dominated by the Party of Regions. Considering these circumstances, the pro-government forces’ interests are represented in all constituencies of Ukraine. Oppositional political parties, by contrast, have limited opportunity to influence the processes in those constituencies where they have no stable electoral advantage.

By July 25, 2012 United Opposition “For Batkivshchyna” had not finished coordinating candidates in single member constituencies, which negatively influenced their pre-election activity.  In regions with significant performance ratings opposition had difficulties  preserving the interests of local activists and adhering to national agreements. For instance, in  electoral district № 117 with the centre in Frankivsk region of Lviv city, representative of the regional organization “Front of Change” Igor Vasiunyk and the deputy of Ukraine Taras Stetskiv were running an election campaign at the same time. In the five districts of Volyn region there was known the last name only of one candidate from the opposition political forces. In seven constituencies of Ivano-Frankivsk region the opposition has previously submitted only three candidates.

There is a significant deficiency of influential majoritarian candidates from "Batkivshchyna" in areas, where its electoral support is not high.  The readiness of majoritarian candidates from the opposition to actively run is best illustrated in the regions of Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zaporozhye, Lugansk, Crimea and some other areas where voters had no complete information about opposition candidates in single member constituencies until July. The combination of these factors results in weak representation of this political party in single-mandate constituencies in different regions of Ukraine. Uncertainty about their status objectively reduced potential candidates’ personal motivation to organize events in single- mandate constituencies.

In comparison to Batkivshchyna, the Party of Regions is more systematically represented in constituencies. This political party includes candidates, who not only started the campaign well before the official start of the election process, but also made public presentations at the regional party conferences. Activities of majoritarian candidates from the Party of Regions possess some local features as well. In some constituencies on the West of Ukraine, little-known politicians have been nominated from the party in power. Local authorities support election campaign of influential self-nominated candidates representing business or public service.

OPORA observers have recorded some cases of candidates’ public denial of affiliation to the Party of Regions. A businessman, Ivan Chaykivskyy (Constituency № 165, center-the town of Zboriv in Ternopil region), who till May 2012 had been heading the Party of Regions faction in the Ternopil Regional Council, delivered a tough critique of the recent initiatives of the political power. Bogdan Hdychynskyy resigned his post of a faction chairman of the Party of Regions in Ivano-Frankivsk regional council in protest against the language law by Kivalov-Kolisnychenko. Despite the coherence of the campaign of the Party of Regions, in some constituencies disputes between its party members have become public. For example, in constituency № 60 (center – the town of Volnovakha, Donetsk region) MPs Valeriy Bevzenko and Valery Konovalyuk simultaneously organized campaign events. These facts show the heterogeneity of the PoR and some candidates’ striving to address voter preferences in the districts, and demonstrate that the interests of the party in power are not monolithic.

Candidates nominated by the Communist Party of Ukraine have focused on working with the electorate in eastern, southern and central regions of Ukraine, where the rating of their political party allows to fight for victory. Notable CPU figures are active in campaigning: MPs Alla Alexandrovska, Valery Bevz, Spiridon Kilinkarov, Yuri Gaydayev, thus the election campaigning of this political party in single-mandate constituencies is pointed. Despite the massive presence of Communists in the information space, in most part of single-mandate constituencies of Ukraine their candidates were remaining unknown until the party congress.

The party "UDAR" of Vitali Klitschko has publicly presented candidates in most single-mandate constituencies ofUkraine. These politicians are largely unknown in their regions or have not yet started their campaigns. Significant activity of some majoritarian candidates from "UDAR" is recorded in Lviv,Sumy,Kherson,Odessa, Zaporozhye and Cherkasy regions.

AUA "Svoboda" is not widely presented in single-mandate constituencies. This can be explained by a complex process of coordination of candidate nomination from the united opposition "For Batkivshchyna." By the end of talks with political partners, the "Svoboda" candidates, leading the polls, organized their work without reference to a particular constituency.  Activities of potential candidates from "Svoboda" has limited territorial scope: Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, and Khmelnytsk region. In rare cases, representatives from "Svoboda" are the only opposition candidates in some regions ofUkraine. For example, inKharkovregion under the agreement with the united opposition "Svoboda" has gotten one constituency (№ 174), where it nominated the head of the regional party branch Igor Shvaika.

Majoritarian candidates from the People's Party are quite active in some constituencies of Volyn, Zhytomyr, Rivne,Odessa,Zhitomir,Chernigov, Vinnytsia,Kiev, andDonetskregions. The first to launch the campaign were MPs Volodymyr Lytvyn, Sergei Grinevetsky, Mykola Shershun, Sergei Tereshchuk and others. There has been an interesting precedent in case of Valery Baranov’s nomination from the People's Party in constituency № 78 (center – the town ofBerdyansk, Zaporizhzhya oblast). Baranov’s candidacy was officially supported by regional organizations of both the Party of Regions, and People's Party.

The most notable candidates are self-nominated ones represented in Volyn, Lviv, Lugansk, Rivne, Kharkiv, Cherkasy, Chernihiv oblasts andCrimea. For example, in Lugansk oblast a so-called "Shakhov’s Team" is actively working, it represents the interests of Sergei Shakhov. The local businessman and his supporters are simultaneously active in several constituencies of the region. In Cherkasy and Chernihiv regions Bohdan Gubsky and Igor Rybakov, who, because of inter-faction conversion do not have any clear party bindings, positioned themselves as self-nominated candidates. In the Volyn region, influential candidates run as self-nominated, such as businessmen Sergey Kovalchuk and Sergei Martyniak, an MP Igor Palytsia. In the Kharkiv region, a former deputy of Ukraine Stepan Gavrish started his election campaign. Another active self-nominated candidate is a known Crimean politician, former Deputy of Ukraine Lev Myrymskyy. This group of candidates is conducting its activities mainly through their own charitable foundations.

A range of candidates consciously avoid positioning with parties. For example, in Kyiv constituencies campaigning has been launched by MPs from the Party of Regions - Igor Lysov, Maxim Lutsky and Valery Borisov, but colors used in their campaign materials and images on billboards is neutral, candidates do not use the party symbols and do not demonstrate their affiliation. Fight in the Parliament of Ukraine about the language law makes some politicians abandon their nomination from a party as candidates. Most of the cases concern those areas, where electoral group has a clear language identity. People's deputy ofUkrainefrom the Party of Regions Vasyl Chudnov (constituency № 89, the center – the town ofSniatyn, Ivano-Frankivsk region) will run as a self-nominated candidate. This decision was preceded by the MP’s statement on withdrawal of his vote from the parliamentary majority supported bill on languages.

The closer the elections are, the more diverse the forms of majoritarian candidates’ activities become. Almost all the candidates are represented in the segment of outdoor and media advertising. In Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Rivne regions candidates used the language conflict in their campaign activities, conducted street actions and protests, assisted in organizing trips of activists to protest in Kyiv, made  high-profile statements. The issue of the Ukrainian language protection was addressed by not only opposition majoritarian candidates, but also those loyal to the Party of Regions.

Pro-government candidates use social initiatives of the President of Ukraine in their campaigning, like issues of Euro-2012 and other public programs. In particular, the potential candidate, Mayor of Lysychansk Sergei Dunaev places billboards in his district with a slogan "The Championship has ended." In Krivoy Rog the candidates from the Party of Regions hand free TV tuners, which were purchased at public expense, to citizens from privileged groups.

Activities of majoritarian candidates with the elements of indirect voter bribery and administrative resources

The following forms of activities have been mostly used by potential majoritarian candidates:

  • Solving economic problems in the district (repair of roads and bridges, elimination of unauthorized dumps, street lighting, replacement of windows)

Some candidates position themselves as sponsors of measures taken in order to restore the local infrastructure, taking the position of lobbying the interests of local communities at the State Budget level. For example, the owner of TC "Bukovel", a potential candidate in № 83 constituency (Ivano-Frankivsk) Alexander Shevchenko puts billboards under the slogan, "I, Shevchenko, pave the roads, they sack the country." In Sumy an MP from the Party of Regions Andriy Derkach stresses his role in getting ​​state subventions for road maintenance in the area;

  • Building playgrounds and holding activities with the kids

The trend of majoritarian candidates’ campaigning is building playgrounds and working with parents by means work with children. Candidates hold thematic activities and implement health programs for preschoolers. For example, in constituency № 205 (center – Novozavodsky rayon, Chernihiv oblast) a candidate Valery Dubil organized daily educational entertainment for children from different areas of the city. Candidates en masse set playgrounds inDonetsk,Odessa, Lugansk, and Lviv regions;

  • Delivery of goods and services to state-funded institutions (schools, hospitals, post offices, MIA departments)

Majoritarian candidates provide sponsorship to state-budget organizations and institutions. For example, a potential candidate from the Party of Regions in constituency #156 (center-the town of Sarny, Rivne region) Andrei Tsyganenko presented a local school with a new fence for the school geography area. Self-nominated candidate in constituency № 197 (center – the town ofKaniv, Cherkasy region) Bogdan Gubsky financed the repair of disinfection machine of one of the district hospitals. Most of the active majoritarian candidates in different regions ofUkraineuse similar forms of campaign activities.

  • Mini-project and community initiative contests

In various regions ofUkrainemajoritarian candidates hold contests of mini-projects. Candidates provide support to selected initiative groups of citizens for the implementation of socially significant projects. In particular, an MP Serhiy Klyuyev (constituency № 46, the center - the city ofDonetsk,Donetskregion) and the head of Dubny local administration Danylo Korylkevych (constituency # 154, center - the city of Dubno, Rivne region) are implementing public project contests in their constituencies. Candidates widely use NGOs to achieve campaign objectives: NGO "Countrymen" of the candidate Gregory Zabolotny (constituency № 17, the town ofLadyzhyn, Vinnytsia region), the organization "For Rivne region! For Batkivshchyna" of the candidate Yury Vozniak (constituency №153, center - Rivne), "Civic Initiative" of the candidate Valery Omelchenko (constituency № 55 center - Hirnyatskyy rayon,Makeyevka) and others. Valery Borisov, an MP from the Party of Regions, has headed civic association "For Troieschyna!"

  • Financing of social and cultural activities

In July,  candidates  participated in the celebrations, concerts and other social and cultural events. One of the reasons to organize mass festivities was the feast of Midsummer and local memorial dates. An unusual event in the form of lottery-draw was held by a potential candidate in constituency № 199 (center – the town ofZhashkiv, Cherkasy region) Volodymyr Nychyporenko. Participants had to guess answers to the questions asked by lottery organizers on the future candidate’s biography. Potential majoritarian candidates use the forms of indirect bribery of voters. In-power and opposition candidates actively disperse goods and services. The number of recorded cases of direct cash bribery of voters has increased.


Whilst the official elections are approaching, the “black” PR practices have intensified. Such a tendency is typical for both Western and Eastern regions of Ukraine. In July the OPORA observers noted the facts of election counteractions targeted at specific parties or candidates. The most frequently practiced counteractions included: impeding conducting meetings with the electorate and conducting mass street protests, making damage to or confiscating pieces of property owned by a party, making damage to or confiscating the political adverts, unequal treatment of potential candidates by the authorities. There are also confrontations between the party members related to the mutual approval of the majority constituency candidates. The observers are alarmed by closer attention towards specific candidates and mass media (in particular LB web-site and TBi channel) by the law-enforcement authorities.      

Political Controversy and Conversion among the Parties

Selection of candidates eligible for the Parliamentary ballot, as well as arranging for the work of the election campaign offices is accompanied by frequent confrontations. For instance, Kyiv election campaign office of UDAR party appointed Andriy Yusov for the position of Head of Odessa Oblast (Regional) Campaign Office in spite of the local unit members’ opinion, which resulted into miscommunication and hot discussions among the party members. As a result and following the decision of Central Campaign Office, Serhiy Rakhubenko, Head of Oblast Unit for UDAR Party will run in the election not within theOdessamajority constituency, yet within the “village” electoral district #139.    

In Ivano-Frankivsk oblast (region) there’s an ongoing confrontation between the “Front of Change” Party members in order to select who of them is going to run in the election by representing the Opposition United within the electoral district #86 (based in Dolyna town). Thus the election campaign campaign office of “For Batkivshchyna” Party approved Anatoliy Dyriv, current Head of Rozhnyatyn Regional Council as the candidate for the electoral district  Meanwhile, another “front-line soldier” Volodymyr Hrabovetskiy, who has launched a heavy charitable activity since last year within the above mentioned district, doesn’t support the above decision. On July,25 inIvano-Frankivsk city his supporters rolled out a small protest action during the press-conference arranged for Anatoliy Hrytsenko, MP. The supporters were carrying plates reading “The region of Dolyna against Dyriv”. Whilst on July, 27 similar protest action yet in favor of Volodymyr Hrabovetskiy took place next to the “Front of Change” Party office in Kyiv.             

During July the confrontation between the two members of the Party of Regions – Volodymyr Landyk and Yuriy Ternikov – was raised in the electoral district #108. At first, Pereval regional office and Krasny Luch municipal office of the Party supported Yuriy Ternikov as the candidate for the people’s deputy. After that the local Mass Media associated with Volodymyr Landyk, MP has launched a campaign filled with criticism targeted at local authority representatives and Head of Charity Trust “Dobrodiya”,  namely Yuriy Ternikov.    

The pre-election heat affects the environment within the parties itself. Some of the current politicians whilst not supported by their comrades, make up their mind on moving to the other party membership. On July, 18 during the extraordinary session of Kherson City Council, Yevheniy Nazaryan, member of VO ”Batkivshchyna” was excluded from the party as well as from the relevant faction; the penalty being applied in return for his participation at the “Narodniy spisok” (“People’s List”) project, which is being implemented by Natalia Korolevska’s Party named “Ukraina – vpered!” (“Go aheadUkraine!”).  

A new faction has been recently set up within Kyiv City Council named “Respublika Kyiv – Nash Svyatoshynskiy” (“RepublicofKyiv– Our Svatoshynskiy (district)”). Its membership is made of 6 deputies – Serhiy Kozyr, Andriy Myrhorodskiy, Denys Moskal’, Lev Partshaladze, Oleh Pet’kun, and Yuriy Stretovych. Whereas in Rivne oblast, the political council of the Regional Unit for the “Front of Change” Party expelled four heads of its municipal and regional units; the allegation being their protest against the whole Party’s decision to merge with VO “Bat’kivshchyna” during the up-coming elections. In Chernivtsi region “Front of Change” Party has excluded from their membership Ruslan Panchyshyn, ex-mayor of Novodnistrovs’k, who used to be the provisional candidate for the People’s Deputy post representing the electoral district #204; the reason for his exclusion was him initiating the provision of flour to the voters -5 kgper person.           

In Khmelnytskiy city three of the candidates from “Narodniy spisok” project run by “Ukraina – vpered!” Party announced on their resignation. A selection member Ruslan Rokhov stated the voting in Khmelnytskiy was faked, whereas the “Ukraina – vpered!” Party was called by him the latest project in a series of activities initiated byBankova Street(Office of the President).         

On July, 2, Viktor Matchuk, MP and Head of Regional Unit of “Nasha Ukraina” (Our Ukraine) Party announced on his resignation from the party membership and divested himself of the MP authority. According to his statement, he “broke up with his party since he didn’t approve of Viktor Yushchenko’s decision to run in the election in the format of the Right Union (“Nasha Ukraina”, Ukrainian People’s Party, Congress of Ukrainian Nationals)”. Potential candidates from the majority constituency in Western regions ofUkrainetend to get rid of their relation with the locally unpopular party of authorities. For example, on July 6 Danylo Korylkevych, Member of Rivno Oblast Council and Head of Dubno Regional State Administration with the view of future running in the election at the electoral district #154, announced on his resignation from the Party of Region’s faction as a sign of protest against the ratification of the Law “On the Principals of State Language Policy”. Similar statement on resignation from the membership of the Party of Regions was made by Stephan Ivahiv, member of Volyn Oblast Council, co-shareholder of “Contynium” Group, who’s actively involved in pre-election charity within 21 electoral district based in Kovel city.         

Pre-Election Staff Turnover at the Governmental Authorities

The staff turnover continues within the governmental authorities at all levels, which relates to the up-coming elections and increase in political controversy. On July, 10 during the session of Chernihiv Regional Council at Zaporiz’ka oblast, the representative of the Party of Regions- Serhiy Odarenko was dismissed. He used to hold the post of Head of Chernihiv Regional Council. He was replaced by his fellow party member and ex-head of the council Olexandr Romanchuk. The observers relate such change to the reformatting of authorities balance within the party before the election. In Zakarpattya oblast the manager of ОDTRK (Oblast Public TV and Radio Company) was also dismissed. Vitaliy Meshcheryakov was appointed a new ОDTRK manager. He is known for having been in charge of informational channeling for the Party of Regions.               

On July, 20 the Khmelnitskiy city district court has revoked a resolution by the City Council on the appointment of Valeriy Leskov a Secretary of Khmelnitskiy City Council. After having examined the claim launched by the two deputies from the City Council both of them representing the Party of Regions, the court identified that Leskov being a Secretary of Khmelnitskiy City Council and simultaneously holding the post of the Head of the City Unit of VO “Bat’kivshchyna” had breached the provision of Law “On the Status of the Deputies of Local Councils”, which stipulates the prohibition of professional activity practiced by an individual within the state authorities simultaneously with some other job. In Lugansk oblast Konstantin Kozyuberda is challenging the decision of the Rubizhnens’ka City Council as of June, 27 announcing the vote of non-confidence towards him when on the position of the City Mayor.   

Involving Judicial Bodies and Law-Enforcement Authorities to Create Pressure on Politicians 

Among the most effective, yet quite a rare instrument for putting pressure towards the potential candidates for the position of the People’s Deputies remains the practice of involving judicial bodies and law-enforcement agencies. These cases are quite complex to identify clearly whether the pressure is being applied as a result of political or electoral pursuit, however, the involvement of the candidates within this type of conflict presents an alarm trigger.   

The most high profile and notorious case was a confrontation that took place in Cherkassycity on July, 6. The police representatives applied force to clear the tent camp holding the representatives of the opposition parties. The tent camp was established in Soborna Squareas a sign of protest against the ratification of the so-called Language Law.  Citing  the non-conformity of data contained within the meeting application form as  official justification, and because of the planned Ivana Kupala public fest, the court banned the political meeting. After the meeting participants partially removed the tent camp and officially applied for a new meeting. However unknown individuals, pretending to be the communal services employees, pulled the tent camp to pieces notwithstanding the presence of peoplein the tents, and took  the possessions of the protestors. The police officers didn’t intervene, yet later on they hustled the protestors away off the square. They arrested and dragged into their vehicle the tent camp leaders – Maksym Bulatetskiy and Mykola Bulatetskiy, deputies of the city council representing VO “Bat’kivshchyna” and active members of “Svoboda” movement (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnedD8Cp3Mo&feature=player_embedded#!) The police interrogated them both with no lawyer available. They both were accused of resistance to police officers and eventually allowed to leave.  Following the events, the non-scheduled meeting was conducted by the opposition representatives inSoborna Square.  

On July, 13 the employees of local unit under the State Agency for Economic Crime Prevention (belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine) blocked  the merged opposition office located in the premises of joint-stock company “Cherkasagroproekt”. The officers said they were searching the premises in order to identify and confiscate funds obtained by criminal means. They didn’t show the search warrant. Only after the MP Andriy Shevchenko intervened did representatives of the State Agency for Economic Crime Prevention leave the office.   

On July, 27  police representatives arrested Lyudmila Nikitkina, Deputy Head of the Election Campaign Office for the Opposition United in Pervomaisk, Mykolayiv oblast.Police records her as  a criminal suspect under  part 4 article 191 of The Criminal Code of Ukraine (large scale appropriation of a piece of property and defalcations through abuse of one’s own official position).  The opposition claims politicaly motivated prosecution and  ties  Mrs. Nikitina’s arrest to attempts to pressure Arkadiy Kornatskiy, the opposition candidate at the majority constituency #132.    

Vadym Kryvohvat’ko, Head of Zaporizzhya Regional Unit for the UDAR Party also associates the actions of police with  the upcoming election.  He says he had also been officially accused of criminal actions for 4 times dating back to 2004-2005. His wife who used to be the manager at private enterprise “Kryvohvat’ko”, had to move out of the country in order  to escape police pursuit.   Valeriy Butsanov, the Party Deputy Head faced a search within the criminal investigation process, and the case of Vasyl’ Chubak became quite well-known. Vasyl’ Chubak intend to run in the election campaign at the electoral district #167 (Chortkiv town, Ternopil oblast). In July the police officers detained the candidate’s son, suspecting him of possession of drugs. Mr. Chubak made a public statement about him facing political prosecution that could possibly bring benefits to his potential political rivals.     

The major case of pressure towards opposition representatives in Mariopol city concerns  a tax policesearch at the LLC company “Yarud Nerukhomist,” which is owned by the family of the Head of the “Opposition United” Regional Unit Olexandr Yaroshenko. Tax police representatives confiscated CDs containing statutory documents as well as accounting reports for the period of 3 years. They also  searched the apartment of the chief accountant. Olexandr Yaroshenko claimed the activities were politically motivated. The Chief Department of Security Service of Ukraine in Donetsk oblast as well as State Tax Service denied the claim.      

Obstruction of political activities

In July there was a significant increase in the number of cases of obstruction of political activities of certain political parties or politicians. Most incidents were damage or theft of party tents and other property, damage of political advertising. There were recorded many cases of refusals to provide premises and obstacles in conducting public events to meet with the voters.

During the month were recorded the cases of damage and withdrawal of party property. For example, on July21, in Kagarlyk of Kyiv region unknown persons smashed a tent-public reception of MP from AUA "Batkivshchyna" Kostiantyn Bondarev. Later, Deputy Mayor Volodymyr Boyko ordered communal service workers to a dismantle tent, because he allegedly did not give permission for its installation.  And in Baryshivka, also of Kyiv region, communal services without any legal basis have demolished the information tent of the United opposition "Za Batkivshchynu" and have taken away the materials that were distributed to the voters. During both incidents police officer, who were also present, took no action to  counteract the violation. A similar case have occurred in Zhytomyr, where on July 17 municipal police together with the employees of CE "Advertise" confiscated the portable banner stand of the representatives of the United opposition, who at that time in the streets were collecting signatures in support of Genadiy Zub, candidate for MP. The reason was the lack of permission for installation of banner stand. At the same time, campaign tents of Party of Regions and Party "Ukraine-Forward!", which were standing near, municipalities did not check and did not confiscate.

In Kharkiv, employees of the City Executive Committee tried to prevent the installation of information tents of the United opposition and the campaign "Ukraine against Yanukovych". According to police, the event organizers have sent to the City Council notice about the action only for  hour beforehand  and thus allegedly violated the rules and procedures of public meetings. Therefore, the protocols on administrative violations were made against the oppositionists. The city party organization “Ukraine– Forward!” has reported on the conducting of unlawful pressure and obstruction of political activities from the part of Kharkiv City Executive Committee. Of the 60 tents 14 were removed and 8 – were confiscated.

Among other cases: in Kyiv, in early July, employees of the Housing Department have made illegal entry into the premises at 11-A Kyoto Street, where the offices of organizations of VO "Svoboda" of Dniprovskyi and Desnianskyi districts are located. July 5, at night, in the city of Zhashkiv of Cherkasy region unknown persons have smashed with  bricks the windows of the public reception of the Party of Regions, and on July 19, during the action "Ukraine against Yanukovych", in Vilnyansk of Zaporizhzhya region, as a result of hooligan actions of a supporter of the Party of Regions the information tent of the United Opposition was damaged. In Zhashkiv of Cherkasy region unknown persons have stolen six promotional stands featuring Yulia Tymoshenko, which were exhibited by the oppositionists in the streets.

In different regions of the country were recorded the cases of damage of advertising of some parties and politicians. For example, in Cherkasy during the last weekend of June were damaged with paint 26 billboards (of 32) featuring Yulia Tymoshenko and Arseniy Yatseniuk. In the city ofZhovti Vody of Dnipropetrovsk region was damaged a billboard advertising AUA “Batkivshchyna”. In the Zhytomyr region, on the central square of Radomyshl unknown people have poured paint on the billboard of Mykola Onishchuk who will run for Parliament in  constituency N 66 (city of Malyn). In Stakhanov of Lugansk region in early July, unknown persons have damaged the billboard of Oleksandr Kunchenko, the representative of the Party of Regions, which plans to run for constituency N 106. On the night of 17th to 18th July in Lugansk several billboards of the party "Ukraine – Forward!" were damaged and in Kyiv city-light advertising the party of Natalia Korolevska was poured with paint.

A popular method of resistance against election activity of candidates has become the creation of obstacles for certain politicians in conducting meetings with the voters. Local authorities take urgent decisions to start reconstruction of streets and squares where the political actions were planned, and the owners of premises refuse to rent them under various pretexts . Under the guise of landscaping were prohibited actions by the opposition parties in Skvyra, Ivankiv, Volodarka and Zgurivka districts of Kyiv region. Kharkiv regional organization of the AUA “Batkivshchyna” accused City Executive Committee of falsifying its application for a protest on the 10th of July at the Court of Appeal of Kharkiv region during the trial of Yulia Tymoshenko on UESU. According to the deputy head of the party organization Irina Efremova, AUA "Batkivshchyna" planned to submit applications for conducting this event on July 9, but on July 7 Kharkiv City Executive Committee has appealed 10 applications submitted allegedly by organizations of the AUA "Batkivshchyna" in the Kharkiv District Court. And it got the judicial ban on any protests at the Court of Appeal on July 10.

In Dnepropetrovsk region, in the village of Krynychky the local authorities refused to conduct a meeting of member of the “Front of Changes”, MP Roman Tkach with the residents of community in the House of Culture. Under the pretext of allegedly urgent need for carrying out a repair works in the concert hall the lease contract was cancelled. In Rivne region, in the village of Zoria and city of Kostopil MP, member of the faction “BYT – Batkivshchyna” Ostap Semerak was not allowed to  go to the houses of culture, where politician was going to meet with the voters. In Zoria the meeting was planned at the House of culture, which is property of the local agro-company. Firstly, it was agreed with the management of enterprise to rent the hall, but over some time the decision was changed explaining that the premise has been suddenly flooded. In Kostopil the meeting should have been held in the district House of culture. Initially, the organizers agreed to rent the premise, but then representatives of the United opposition were informed that at the same time another event is planned in the House of culture. In particular, the hall was rented by the representatives of the Party of Regions for their own needs. InOdessaregion the Mayor of Izmayil refused MP Sergiy Sobolev to provide the city House of culture for the meeting with the voters. Mayor has explained his refusal that “the technical staff is on vacation”, and therefore it is impossible to ensure the proper functioning of the building during the event. However, according to observers the House of culture was functioning as usual during this period. Another meeting was almost  disrupted, that of MP Andriy Shkil with the residents of Monastyryshche of Cherkasy region, as the House of culture was just closed. The above mentioned politicians had to meet with the voters on the street.

In Kharkiv region “Svoboda” has accused the City Council of obstructing public meetings initiated by the party to consider cision to hold a city referendum on impeaching  the mayor of Kharkiv Genadiy Kernes and Kharkiv City Council. According to the members of “Svoboda” within an hour after the City Council received a notice on the meeting, the firemen came to the meeting and with no explanation sealed the building.

An example of obstruction of political activity is a case of selective attitude to parties and politicians. For example, in Kyiv region the District Department of Education of Tarashcha refused to take help from the charitable Foundation "Heart of the Motherland". MP, member of faction "BYT – Batkivshchyna" Oleg Tyshchenko intended to present 500 sets of school uniforms to the pupils of secondary schools on behalf of the Foundation. MP relates this refusal to the instructions issued by rayon state administration not to take donations from the opposition MPs. Self-nominated candidate in constituency N 176 of Kharkiv region, Stepan Gavrysh accused the management of Velykyi Burluk District State Administration of  obstruction one of his assistants who planned to greet children with souvenirs and prizes during Ivana Kupala holiday on behalf of the charity Foundation "The Coast of Hope". During the celebration of the Day of the city of Koziatyn (Vinnytsia region) mayor Oleksandr Gvelisiani refused to allow an address by MP Mykola Katerynchuk, although at this time residents of the community were addressed by other politicians – representatives of the district and regional authorities, MP of the Party of Regions, head of South Western Railways. In Luhansk region the representatives of the Communist Party of Ukraine accused the regional authorities of  pressuring advertising agencies, in order to prevent  CPU from  placing their outdoor advertising. According to the Deputy of Lugansk City Council of the Communist Party Ekaterina Popova, almost all advertising agencies denied placing billboards with the words “LugankVoda should be called to account”. We will return LuganskVoda to Lugansk region”. Communists have placed their advertisement only in two cities.

Dirty technologies and dissemination of false information

More and more popular ways to combat political opponents are methods of the "black PR" and dissemination of false information. InKirovograd, at night on July 20, unknowns have glued provocative postcards on behalf of the MP of the faction "Batkivshchyna" Valeriy Kalchenko. Postcards criticized the businessman of the "Front of Changes" Andriy Tabalov, who is the agreed upon  candidate of the United opposition in the majoritarian constituency N 99. On the same day Kalchenko officially denied his relation to this provocation and said he was sending requests to law enforcement bodies to find the persons who were related to this action. In Kyiv region, in Brovary unknown persons distributed newspaper that allegedly belongs to the public organization "Thunderstorm", which is headed by Pavlo Rizanenko. The newspaper states that Rizanenko, who is possible candidate of the party “UDAR”, allegedly was detained by police for the drug trade.

Much  "black PR" is disseminated in Odessa region. Thus, in early July, during the organization of "children's holiday" by Olexiy Goncharenko, a potential candidate for MP in the 133th constituency inOdessa, unknown person was distributing postcards against another potential candidate for this constituency Igor Markov, chairman of the party "Family". As a kind of the "black PR" were used the letters of Markov to the voters, which state that the politician almost lost his drug addiction. Confrontation using the "black PR" takes place in the south ofOdessaregion, where MPs Yuriy Kruk (Party of Regions) and Oleksandr Dubovyi (AUA “Batkivshchyna”) are competing in the constituency N 143. For example, in the cities of Reni and Izmail were distributed posters “Dubovyi is against”, which were criticizing the candidate for the fact that he is allegedly against the Russian language, against the building of the road Izmail-Reni, against the allocation of budget funds for these settlements. Instead, in Izmail under the slogan "Thanks to the residents of Donbass for the deputy krukanas" was held a mass action of distribution of postcards of the "black PR" against Yuriy Kruk.

The same method is used inOdessaeven against the national-level politicians. Thus, in early July inOdessapostcards against Vitali Klitschko, Arseniy Yatseniuk, Nataliya Korolevska and Oleg Tyahnybok were disseminated. In the materials politicians were identified with the leaders of the UPA, and in another with Hitler, Musolini and Stepan Bandera.

Active confrontation with the use of "black PR" takes place in Luhansk region. Thus, in Krasny Luch and Perevalsk district (constituency N 108) informational leaflets "Sergei Burbelo: I have the honor to report” were distributed. The leaflet has an appeal of the Head of Perevalsk District Council Sergei Burbelo, member of the Party of Regions, to the inhabitants of the Perevalsk District not to support Yuriy Ternikov at the election to the Verkhovna Rada ofUkraine. Burbela also requires the Party of Regions to exclude Ternikov from the party. The Head himself said that has no relation to this appeal, and called the dissemination of this informational material a provocation. In the same constituency, in Krasny Luch, July 10, unknowns have distributed postcards with the information against MP Volodymyr Landyk. MP Ludmyla Kirichenko was mentioned as the author of the information, but she also denied any involvement in this provocation. The facts of the “black PR” were also found in other constituencies of Luhansk region. For example, in the constituency N 104 postcards without data-out “Why you should not vote for Volodymyr Goncharov” were distributed. In towns of Popasnya District of Lugansk region unknown persons massively have distributed anonymous information booklet "Why you should not vote for the Party of Regions", which content discredits this political force.

July12, inIvano-Frankivsk region, in Kolomyia, which is part of constituency N 88, unknowns have glued anti-Semitic postcards against the future candidate of the United opposition "Za Batkivshchynu" Oleksandr Levytskyi. The postcards stated “Levytskyi – Jew”.

In the city ofLvivthe event of "black PR" directed against general producer of ZIK channel Dmytro Dobrodomov, who intends to run for constituency N 115 as a candidate of the party "UDAR" has become the most publicized. In early July, on the Sykhiv housing estate in Lviv have appeared the colored posters with the inscription: "This is grandson of NKVDYST Dmytro Dobrodomov. Do you want such "MP?". Posters have no data on circulation and printing, the authors of this provocation are also unknown. During July 21-22, inBerdychiv of Zhytomyr region unknown persons have massively distributed through mailboxes the postcards about the involvement of Oleksandr Reveha, a potential candidate for constituency N 63, in  poisoning of villagers of Zhurbyntsi during the celebration of temple holiday of the Saints Peter and Paul. The reason for the charges could be the fact that the fish workshop of Reveha has given to the villagers fish food packages for free:10 kgof frozen hake,10 kgof herring and3 kgof pickled mussels. However, the sanitary station did not find salmonella pathogens in the fish and called wrong technology of cooking and food storage as a cause of poisoning.

July9, inthe city ofOlexandriaofKirovogradregion were glued postcards discrediting the First Deputy Mayor Lyudmyla Davydenko, who intends to run for the constituency N103. InLutsk of Volyn region unknown persons have glued leaflets, which accused the MP Igor Palytsia in the "sale" of the language, because his card has voted for the "language law". Also, it was indicated that the MP, who intends to run the constituency N 22, wants to buy the voters. Leaflets with information against potential candidates were distributed in the settlements of the constituency N199 inCherkasy region.

Vigorous activity against potential candidates was launched by the activists of civic movement “Vidsich”.  Within the frames of the campaign “The revenge for the division of the country” they run in those constituencies where intend to run existing MPs of Ukraine, which voted for the law "On principles of the state language policy" and call not to support such politicians at the election. In Volyn three politicians have become the objects of attention by the representatives of the movement: First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, communist Adam Martynyuk (district number 23, town of Manevichi), MP of Ukraine of the People's Party Kateryna Vashchuk (district number 20, town of Gorohiv) and deputy of the Volyn Regional Council of the Party of Regions, the head of Kovel DSA Ivan Smityukh (district number 21, town of Kovel). While visiting the towns of Volyn members of “Vidsich” have glued their postcards on the message boards and posts, and distributed it among local inhabitants. During the first visit to Lyubeshiv and Kovel activists were detained by police for violation of public welfare, namely for gluing postcards in unintended places. The second trip to the small homeland of Adam Martyniuk – VetlyvillageofLyubeshivDistrict ended with the beating of activists by local residents and with the damage to equipment – for local website journalists. Tellingly, during the incident were present head of the village and local district inspector who did not prevent the conflict. A similar scenario occurred again at the third visit of the "Vidsich" members to Lyubeshiv district during which the representatives of the "Vidsich" were beaten again, their leaflets were taken away and then – they were thrown with eggs. Civic activists of the “Vidsich” were seen in Kyiv, where they were distributing the leaflets about the party in power (“Why no vote should be given for the Party of Regions and its candidates in the majoritarian constituencies at the next election”), against MPs, and also potential candidates in the majoritarian constituencies – Igor Lysov, Maksym Lutskyi and Volodymyr Zubanov.

Among the examples of new election provocations is SMS-Notification of incriminating false information in Rivne region. SMS messages with the following content: “Matchuk and Kosobutskyi are sending people on organ donation inSpain. Matchuk shields drug mafia in the neighborhood. Send it on” were aimed at Victor Matchuk, a potential candidate in the constituency N 152 (city ofRivne).

Also cases of discrediting politicians through social networks were recorded. On Facebook appeared personal pages of Rivne potential candidates of the Party of Regions Anatoliy Yukhymenko and Mykola Soroka. A page disseminates information that discredits the current authorities. Politicians themselves claim that have no relation to these profiles and call them a political provocation. In July, once again were recorded the cases of showing at some regional state television channels documentary with elements of "black PR" on the activities of Yulia Tymoshenko during her management of UESU. For example, July 20,2012 afilm was shown at Dnipropetrovsk regional television. AtKhersonregional state TV channel "Scythia" film "Cases of the past days" was shown at 23:00 on July 21.

Pre-election conflicts with the participation of media

During the reporting period were recorded a few examples of pressure on the media and attempts to obstruct the work of journalists and public observers. In Khmelnytsky region the journalists of the newspaper "Rozvytok.Podillya+" have stated about the interference in their activity by the representatives of the local authorities. In late June, employees of the Office of Labour, Social Protection and Healthcare of Khmelnytsky City Council came to the newspaper with the checking on the issues of employment and payroll accounting. At the same time, the sending for a checking was written incorrectly, without any name or any manager and constituent data of organization to be audited. Journalists perceived it as a pressure on the newspaper "Rozvytok.Podillya +" and bind the actions of the authorities with attempts to "neutralize" the head of the NGO "Development of native Podillya" Viktor Bondar, who is a potential candidate to the VRU.

July6, inZaporizhzhya at the walls of Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration on the initiative of the chief editor of "Saturday Plus" Bogdan Vasylenko was held a protest against censorship in the media. More than 100 people dressed in white shirts with the words "I have the right to tell the truth" held placards reading: “We are persecuted for the truth”, “Hands off the Saturday Plus”. According to Bogdan Vasylenko (potential opposition candidate in the constituency N 75), printing corporation "Ceramist" refused to print a newspaper. The official cause of failure: the issue includes an article, the content of which vilifies the reputation of printing house. Although, the journalists associate the following actions of printing house with the pressure of Party of Regions of Zaporizhzhia.

In Chernivtsi region chief editor of "Viche of Bukovyna" newspaper and the chairman of the regional organization of the Union of Writers Vira Kytaygorodska stated that the detention of her husband, a doctor, for allegedly received bribe is nothing but a political persecution and pressure. Earlier Kitaygorodska issued a statement about the attack on the site of the newspaper and publicly criticized the authorities for the language law.

An example of gross obstruction of the work of journalists is the case in Brovary of Kyiv region. July 17, after meeting of potential candidate for constituency N 97 Sergiy Fedorenko with the voters unknown persons intended preventing the journalist of the portal “You have a right to know” to make a video of the event. Later, they attacked a journalist and tried to take away the equipment, which was recording the meeting. Another case is related to the activities of OPORA’s civil society observers. July 11, 2012, unknown persons took away the camera of activist Maksym Danylchenko while recording video on the fact of distribution of financial aid (UAH 50) to the inhabitants of the Leninsky district of Lugansk from alleged potential candidate Oleksandr Makarov. The incident took place in the constituency N 109 at the building at Lugansk,29 Shevtsova Street.

Abusing of official position and state resources for political purposes

Using by regional officials of their power to support specific parties or candidates. For example, Head of the Donetsk Oblast State Administration Andriy Shyshatskyy said that "the Party of Regions is a party of power and they are identical" during a regional conference of the Party of Regions. He also noted that all the past projects of regional authorities are due only to Party of Regions. After the conference the main activities of party organizations in a campaign were approved and its resolution says: "To ensure cooperation of local governments, majoritarian candidates, party organizations to solve social and economic problems in cities and districts ofDonetsk region." And the head of Kherson Oblast State Administration Mykola Kostyak obliged all heads of District Administrations and District Councils to hold an extraordinary sessions in support the "Language Law" of Kivalov – Kolesnichenko on regional conference of the Party of Regions.

Head of the Council of Ministers of Crimean Autonomous Republic Anatoly Mogilev during public events and speeches in media is actively positioning himself as the head of the Republican branch of Party of Regions. Head of the Chernivtsy and Volyn Oblast State Administrations Mikhaylo Papiev and Boris Klimchuk during workshops or business trips openly criticized the opposition political forces and emphasized achievements of the party of power.

In Sumy OPORA observers reported another example of administrative resources abuse. Management of Romny local hospital strongly suggested to  staff member that they write an application to join the Party of Regions. Employees of the hospital were invited to a meeting in working hours where Mayor of Romny and concurrently head of the local branch of the Party of Power Mykola Kalashnik gave party membership cards to the hospital staff. Also, the Mayor told about the good works of the General Director of "Romensky Food Factory," the probable candidate for People’s Deputies Oleksandr Saenko.

Potential candidates for deputies, who hold positions in local governments, do not hesitate to use their positions for their own electoral purposes. Thus, the deputy of Head of Zaporizhzhya oblast State Administration Oleksandr Dudka intends to run in 82nd precinct. In this regard, his visits to the areas that constitute the district (Hulyaypole, Voylnyansk, Zaporizhzhya, Novomykolaivsk, Polohy, part of Orikhiv District) became more frequent. On July, 7 Alexander Dudka and the head of Zaporizhzhya Oblast State Administration Olexandr Polunin made ​​a working visit to the village of Bilen’ke where met with the administrative and economic leaders of Village Rada, to solve the problems of the community. On July, 10, the Vice-Head of Oblast State Administration visited Vylnyansk District where he had a personal reception of citizens and meet the residents of the Ukrainka village of Druzhelyubivska Village Rada, held a meeting on problems of rural areas in Novohupalivska Rada. On July, 13 Dudka congratulated on the occasion employees of "Mining Company "Mineral" Ltd. in Polohy District. Another potential candidate, although in 96th precinct, Vice-Head of Kyiv Regional State Administration Yaroslav Moskalenko also uses his position to help voter of his constituency. For example, 14.1 million hryvnya were allocated for his assistance to repair the Vyshgorod stadium "Energetik" (Town Vyshgorod is part of 96th precinct).

There are numerous cases of public support by officials of potential majoritarian candidates. On June, 27, during a round table with local political organizations and dedicated to the Constitution Day, organized by Pervomaysky DSA of Kharkiv oblast, the Head of the District Rada, member of Party of Regions, Andriy Bida offered all participants to sign a memorandum of support for the elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in 178th precinct nominee by the Party of regions, deputy of Oblast Rada Dmitro Dobkin. In Khmelnytsk Oblast City Mayor Michael Simashkevych publicly supported Head of Kamenetz-Podolsk branch of the Party of Regions Vladimir Melnichenko to run to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. "If Vladimir Melnichenko become a member of Parliament, we will attract a lot of money from government programs and grant projects in our city" – said Simashkevych to local journalists. Also Poltava City Mayor Alexander Mamay said in an interview that he supports the candidates Alexander Zaluzhny and Volodimir Makar to be nominees of two majority precincts of the Poltava city. Valery Kolomeytsev, City Mayor of Ladyzhin in Vinnytsia oblast expressed in local media his support for a potential candidate, the deputy of the Oblast Rada Mykola Kucher. Chairman of the Zhovtneva District Rada of Dnipropetrovsk at the opening of suburban train station "Monument of Fame" after its repair declared publicly his support for Alexander Momot, the candidate of the Party of Regions in 27th precinct. Examples are not rare.

Involvement of civil servants or budgetary institution employees into activities to support parties or candidates

In July OPORA observers recorded cases of involving civil servants or representatives from budgetary institutions into the campaigning activities of parties and candidates. For example, inKherson oblast public servants are gathered under administrative pressure for campaign meeting of majoritarian candidates of Party of Regions. Thus, on July,20 inIvanovo and Henichesk Districts meetings with Party of Regions candidate Mykola Opanaschenko took place. At the last June in Zakarpattya meeting of People’s Deputy from the Party of Regions Vladimir Zubanov with leaders of Tyachiv District (representatives of executive bodies and local authorities, members of local councils, businesses, civic leaders, employees of educational, culture and health institutions) took place during their working hours. In addition, the Deputy was accompanied by Anton Gromoviy, Vice-Head, Director of Staff of OSA.

In Dnipropetrovsk oblast, educators one of a kindergarten of Kriviy Rih told OPORA observer they are offered by their Director to work on elections as agitators for majoritarian candidates from the Party of Regions. One of these candidates should be former City Mayor Yuri Lyubonenko who plans to run in 32nd constituency.

In Sumyoblast heads of local governments belonging to 159th precinct promotes People’s Deputy of Ukraine Andriy Derkach. On July,18 in Putivl District State Administration a workshop was held for the repair of social and cultural objects in the District and it was led by Derkach. The meeting was attended by the First Vice-Chairman of Sumy Oblast Rada Oleg Boyarintsev, Heads of Putivl DSA and District Rada, Heads of rural district councils, heads of educational, medical and cultural institutions. And on July, 19 Derkach and Boyarintsev made work visit to Krolevets District where People’s Deputy visited the central district hospital, Mutynskyy rural House of culture and kindergarten. During meetings of the deputy with employees of different institutions and rural voters the District leadership constantly emphasized significant assistance of Andriy Derkach in solving the problem of the district. Other oblasts have a similar situation. Alexander Zhenzheruh, Head of Administration of Zavodsky district of Mykolayiv attended during his working hours all events organized by candidate for District 127 Vladimir Nakonechny. And the Head of Kirovohrad Oblast State Administration Sergiy Larin uses his authority and his own initiatives to promote candidates in majoritarian precincts. For example, on the information posters of OSA regional contact center "Hotline of Sergei Larin" names of potential majoritarian candidates are also given (like Alexander Shatalov, Alexander Edin, Vitaly Hrushevsky, Stanislav Berezkin and Sergey Kuzmenko) although they are unrelated to this project.

In Kharkiv, the municipal officials, including City Mayor Gennady Kernes, participate in campaign events in favor of potential pro-governmental majoritarian candidates. Along with Peoples’ Deputy Valery Pisarenko the Mayor meets with residents of the counties. These events are always attended by directors of relevant departments of the City Council and leaders of municipal companies and they have to implement the missions given by the Mayor. In July, officials of the City Council were joined by representatives of Internet providing companies. Then in houses of Dzerzhinsky district of Kharkov repairing works for the costs of Internet service providers had began, whereby employees were in T-shirts with the inscription "Valery Pisarenko." 

A specific way to attract civil servants to support a particular candidate is to use the official websites of the authorities to advertise politicians. For instance, in Chernihiv information about potential candidates for deputies is freely placed on the websites of regional administrations and municipalities that are part of appropriate precincts. For example, information on the activities of People's Deputy Ihor Rybakov, head of the group "Reforms for the Future", is posted on websites of Gorodnya, Korop, Koryukivka, Shchors, Novgorod-Seversk, Semenivskyi, Sosnytsya district administrations. A similar format of information presentation is used by the Deputy of the Kiev City Rada Michael Golitsia, as news with him are posted on the websites of Kulikovo, Ichnyansky, Mena, Bakhmatsk, Borznyansky and Talalaivka district administrations. Anatoly Miroshnichenko constantly appears in messages on websites of Pryluky, Bobrovytsya and Kozelets district administrations. Website of Ripky district administration (precinct No 206) regularly publishes information on the activities of Stanislav Prokopenko. Similar examples also exist in other oblasts. Press office of the Zakarpattya Oblast Rada disseminated information about the presenting the bicycles to postmen of Irshava district on July 10 by the Head of Oblast Rada Ivan Baloga. Activities of Alexander Momot, potential candidate in Dnipropetrovsk, are highlighted in publications on website of Zhovtneva district Rada of theDnepropetrovsk.

Using the budgetary initiatives for electoral purposes

The practice of using of state and regional social programs or projects to promote a particular political party or politician is quite common. Politicians often attributed to themselves certain achievements they no way been involved in, or when their participation in the process was nominal. The implementation of the program "Social initiatives of the President" to provide to privileged population TV-tuners in Dnipropetrovsk is used to advertise the party of power. The procedure for presenting of these devices is ​​pompous, in the halls of District Rada with the participation of majoritarian candidates from Party of Regions. In the municipal press this presenting also reported with mandatory connection to Party of Regions. For example, in Kryviy Rih TV-tuners were presented to voters by Konstantin Pavlov, Krivorozhskiy Deputy Mayor, First Deputy of the Head of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast State Administration Vyacheslav Zadorozhny. Although, as defined by the Cabinet, providing the citizens with these devices had to be done by UkrPost. And in the towns of Zhytomyr oblast that comprises 66th precinct TV tuners were delivering by postmen, but within packets with the logo of Vitaly Zhuravsky, which intends to run in this constituency.

In theOdessaoblast the programs "People's Budget" and "People's medical examination" is used to advertise the Party of Regions and its majoritarian candidates. Although the programs are implemented by public funds. "People's Budget" comprises symbolic accounting of the "voters’ orders" during the budgeting of a local government area, which later leaded to financing the repair of roads, providing natural gas supply to villages, repair (build) schools, hospitals and other social and cultural facilities. However, in reality it came down to just rename "budget of development" of communities. Implementation of the "People's Budget" is accompanied by resonant informational campaign, which always emphasizes that this is initiative of the Party of Regions. Even in dressing of workers repairing the roads inOdessathere was the title "People's Budget" and Party of Regions logo. "People's medical examination" is the program, similar in its nature and actually is not a new program in the health care field, but is general clinical examination, or normal medical examination, which is to held annually. Now, it is organized with special information support. In addition, the medical examination is combined with total propaganda for the Party of Regions, as informational production of this political force is distributed among the citizens. The same situation is in theCrimea, where the Party of Regions is promoting itself using the program "Social Card of Crimean." 750.000 UAH are allocated from the budget to implement this program. In Kyiv region, however, the practice of presenting acts on land ownership to farmers with the participation of officials and politicians is again renewed. During the reporting period, these documents were distributed in towns of Skvirsk, Bila Tserkva, Kievo-Sviatoshynsky, Boryspil, Barishyv districts. Peoples’ Deputy of Ukraine Viktor Boiko was present in Skvira at presentation.

Implementation of specific local socio-economic projects is also often tied to the activities of a particular party or politician. For example, Head of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast State Administration Oleksandr Vilkul and Head of City Rada Evhene Udod assigned building of bypass roads around the city as achievment of Party of Regions. In the Lviv oblast there was a similar case in Drohobych, where the payment of delayed wages to local educators is shown as achievement of the local branch of the Party of Regions, which approached Prime Minister Mykola Azarov with this issue. And the allocation of funds to celebrate the 800th anniversary of Gorodok town, according to local Party of Regions members, was possible "... thanking to the support of Deputies who are the part of the parliamentary faction of the Party of Regions." Restoring for public funds of Zhmerinskiy railway station in the Vinnitsya oblast is positioned as achievment of  Party of Regions on the billboards.

InKharkovduring the reconstruction of public facilities for the city budget, potential majoritarian candidates are being actively promoted reporting to the voters further plans for reconstruction of stadiums, parks and other vacation spots. At the same time most workers are dressed in shirts with the name of the candidate from the respective district. At some facilities, besides, there is a big billboard with an announcement or with an apology to the residents for any inconvenience associated with the repair work on behalf of City Mayor Gennady Kernes and majoritarian candidates. For instance, such billboards with the name of Valery Pisarenko are installed inKharkovin the park down the “23 August” Street and kindergarten "Snowflake" on Paul's field, and with the name of Irina Berezhna - in Manzhosov Yar inNorth Saltovka. Related examples there are in the Dnipropetrovsk oblast. There 60.000 UAH were allocated from the regional budget for the implementation of the social project "Children's Town." However, potential majoritarian candidates from Party of Regions always participate in opening of such playgrounds. For example, in Dniprodzerzhinsk all playgrounds are opened with participation of the First Deputy of City Mayor Konstantin Guzenko who intends to run for parliament.

Another common example of using of public funds to support individual candidates for People's Deputies is so-called lobbying by People’s Deputies. The current People’s Deputies use their status and party relations to attract money in their districts from the State budget. Subsequently, such activities are presented to voters as a politician’s concern for people. With the support of People’s Deputy Artem Pshonka 50 million UAH were allocated for the construction of the main pipeline in Priazovskiy district of Zaporizhye oblast. With the assistance of Deputy of Ukraine Andriy Derkach Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine allocated almost 12 million UAH toSumy region for support and development of social infrastructure of Putivl area, almost 14 million UAH for socio-economic development of certain areas in Glukhiv District and 1 million UAH for development of social infrastructure of Krolevets region. Peoples’ Deputy Vitaly Zhuravsky launched regional project in Zhytomyr to restore highways in northern regions, which is implemented for state funds. The Deputy said that "...12 million are brought in Zhytomir personally by me – Vitaly Zhuravsky!" In the Narodichi town ofZhytomyr oblast People’s Deputy Mykola Rudchenko initiated the overhaul of kindergarten for state budget. In Kostopil District of Rivne oblast opening ceremony of the bridge over the Horyn river was attended by People’s Deputy of Ukraine, a potential candidate in precinct number 156 Mykola Shershun. Construction of the facility was done for budget money due to Mykola Shershun. Thus Deputies gained credibility and respect of voters for the citizen’s money.

Bribing voters and pre-election charity

Pre-election charity has been and remains the most common tool of campaigning for majoritarian candidates. The geographical area of charity usually coincides with the newly established borders of constituencies, which eliminates any doubt about the reasons for such generosity. Future candidates run charitable activities both personally and through specially established charitable foundations. Typical features of the pre-election charitable foundation are: 1) a short period of intense activity – it has been founded and begun to work actively only in the last year, and 2) lack of a clear public policy of the fund – vague target audience and uncertainty of directions of foundation activities, and 3) non-public nature of administration and finance organizations; and 4) excessive media activity of the foundation. For today, at least 5 pre-election charitable foundations actively operate in each of the regions of Ukrain.e

The range of charitable services provided by future candidates is diverse - from the installation of windows to karaoke contests. Charitable activities of prospective candidates is targeted at work with all possible age and social groups. In July, most of candidates’ attention was paid to healthcare institutions. And the most popular form of charity was building playgrounds. Along with that, potential candidates continue to use money for bribing voters and providing food packages, ignoring the warnings of the CEC no the ban of such activities and, thus, violating constitutional electoral rights of citizens.

Gifts to health care institutions are most massively used by potential candidates in single-mandate constituencies:

Volodymyr Grabovetskyy (constituency  №86 in Ivano-Frankivsk region) presented otoscope, color-test, devices for measuring person’s hight and weight to Dolinska pediatric clinic, while Dolinska Central Hospital was presented with ultrasonic therapy and magnetic therapy devices; Charitable foundation of Yuri Derevyanko (constituency №87 in Ivano-Frankivsk region) gave incubator, photoluminescence lamp, glucose-meters and medical strongbox to Yaremche maternity clinic; Youth charitable foundation "For Good" of Bogdan Hdychynskoho presented Kolomyia Central Hospital with diathermocoagulator and suction equipment (constituency №88, Ivano-Frankivsk region.). Olexy Kunchenko (Luhansk region) presented to thehospital ofSeverodonetsk with an electrocardiograph; Victor Kolischak (Khmelnytska region). helped in equipping Volochysk Central Hospital, having purchased 11 beds for the department; Vitaly Zhuravsky (constituency  №66, Zhytomyr region.) presented 41bicycles for health posts of Radomyshl region; Igor Rybakov (constituency  №207, Chernihiv region.) gave bikes to postmen and village health centers; Mykola Petrenko (constituency  №63, Zhytomyr region.) presented rural health posts with 250 bicycles and medical bags; an MP Viktor Korzh (constituency  №197, Cherkasy region) provided sponsorship in the amount of 200 thousand UAH to health institutions. Part of the money has already been received – medications for the amount of 25.460 thousand UAH have also been received. It is expected that soon more medications will arrive for the amount of 96.284 thousand. "

Gifts to schools are no less popular method of campaigning among majoritarian candidates:

Mykola Kruts (constituency  №84, Ivano-Frankivsk region) funded the repair of the building and landscaping the yard in schools of Palahychi and Hrynivtsi villages of Tlumach district; charitable foundation of Yuri Derevyanko (constituency  №87, Ivano-Frankivsk region) presented the Pidgir'ya village school in Nadvirna region with a multimedia projector, a laptop and books for the school library and had changed windows in the village school of Parysche in  Nadvirna region; charitable foundation of Andrey Lopushansky (Lviv region) provided playground equipment for Skelivsky education center; Oleg Vavryk (constituency  №167, Ternopil region.) presented Chortkiv music school with a computer and stereos; an MP Sergei Glazunov (constituency  №34, Donetsk region.) gave tiles, a boiler and a washing machine to three schools in Pyatyhatska district: Troitsk, Novotroitsk and Mykolaiv settlements;

The practice of providing gifts to religious communities is also being used:

Mykola Kruts (constituency  №84, Ivano-Frankivsk region) funded repair and completion of churches in villages Grushka, Melnyky and Antonivka of Tlumazky rayon; Anatoly Yukhimenko (constituency  № 153, Rivne region) donated 7,000 UAH for a church in Korets, 8,000 UAH for the church in the village Brykiv, 5,000 UAH for the church in the village Haralug and 10, 000 for each church in the villages of Velyki Mezhyrechi and Zaliznytsi, Volodymyr Klimenko (constituency  №164, Ternopil region.) gave 80 gild roofing sheets for the church of St. George in Shelpaky village, Pidvolochysk rayon, Volodymyr Bedrykivskyi (constituency  №167, Ternopil region) supported construction of the church in Zalishchyky town.

Gifts for children remain a common form of election charity despite the fact that in July there were no national kids’ holidays, which served as a pretext for charity in June:

Volodymyr Klimenko (constituency  №164, Ternopil region.) financed the rehabilitation of 500 children from one district at the seaside; Volodymyr Demishkan (constituency  № 114, Lugansk region) sent 60 children from different rayons of the region to rest in a summer camp near Sevastopol; CF "Humanity", headed by  an MP Tatyana Bakhteeva (constituency  №42, Donetsk region) sponsored dolphin program for disabled children and also paid for the vouchers for  children to rest, in July CF of the MP Igor Shkir (constituency  №52, Donetsk region) announced the launch of the program on health improvement for children.

Charity aimed at infrastructure development

Vyacheslav Kredisov (constituency  №86, Ivano-Frankivsk region) financed the construction of a dam in the village of Spas in Rozhnyativ district and completion of the bridge in the village Sadzhava of Bogorodchany rayon, Volodymyr Grabovetskyy (constituency  №86, Ivano-Frankivsk region.) financed the construction of two bus stops in the villages of Nyzhni Strutyn and Verkhni Strutyn of Rozhnyativ rayon; Sergei Glazunov (constituency  №34, Donetsk region) presented a pump to the inhabitants of the Hnativka village of Mykhailiv village council, Tsarychans'ky rayon.

Installation of playgrounds is a key trend of election charity in July:

Volodymyr Grabovetskyy (constituency  №86, Ivano-Frankivsk region) financed the installation of two playgrounds in district centers of Dolyna and Rozhnyatov; Victor Butkivskyy (constituency № 29, Donetsk region) re-paved a street in Petrikivtsi for the celebration of 240 anniversary of the settlement; Vitaly Hrushevsky (Kirovograd region) donated a playground to villages Krasnohirky and Verbove of Golovaniv rayon; in the Luhansk region a number of majoritarian candidates from the Party of Regions opened playgrounds: MP Olexander Kunchenko in Severodonetsk (constituency  №106), Sergei Gorokhov - two playgrounds in Zhovtnevy rayon (constituency  №105), Yuri Ternikov in Perevalskyi rayon (constituency  № 108), Viktor Tikhonov in Hocharivka village of Svativ rayon and in Starobilsk; also, in Kiev some candidates contributed to construction of playgrounds (Halyna Hereha, Alla Shlapak, Dmitro Andrievsky, Maxym Lutsky); Vitaly Zhuravsky (Zhytomyr region) established playgrounds in the villages Malyna and Rudnia, and he has already established 30 playgrounds in total around the constituency; Volodymyr Pekhov (Zhytomyr region) built playgrounds in the the villages Olevsk and Zubrynka, Volodarsk-Volyn rayon.

Bribing Voters

In the Donetsk region, an announcement in Gorlovka.ua has received a wide publicity, It states that an MP from the Party of Regions Mykola Yankovsky gives financial aid to pensioners in the amount of 100 AUH. In order to receive 100 UAH citizens should write an application with a request to provide financial assistance for the name of Yaankovsky. A large queue formed by the office of the Party of Regions in Gorlovska during the submission of applications. The Head of theDonetsk oblast state administration had to comment on the case, as well as the deputy chairman of the regional organization of the Party of Regions Andrey Shyshatskyy. He said that in the final list of majoritarian candidates from the Party of Regions there will be no candidates that try to bribe voters.

In the Volyn region, an MP Kateryna Vashchuk trains agitators according to network marketing principles. People are paid from 200 to 300 UAH for finding supporters. In villages Mayaky, Boratyn, Novostav, Zaborol, Romaniv of Lutsk rayon, representatives of Katarina Vashchuk’s organization are looking for people with a large family. They are offered to become the so-called "basic agitators" and are paid 300UAH. The task of the basic agitator is to interest relatives and friends and to bring them to the representatives of the candidate. A basic agitator must find 10 people, and the list with their names and contact numbers shall be submitted to the campaign office. Those, therefore, are paid 200 UAH. They are simply called "agitators." In return for the money rural inhabitants leave their personal data, thus, guaranteeing that they will give their votes for Katarina Vashchuk. 200-300 UAH is only an advanced payment, the rest is promised to be paid, when they organize some campaign activities.

Also, in the Kharkiv region, the first case of paying voters has been recorded. On July 18,  activists of the civil society movement "Common Cause" recorded and made public the fact of issuing financial aid in the amount of 1,000 UAD to voters of  constituency #174 (Leninsky and Zhovtnevy rayons of Kharkiv)  in the reception of the potential majoritarian candidate from the  PoR in this county, the current MP Oleksandr Feldman.

Bribery by providing food packages:

Since July 9, inall the rayons of Kharkiv charitable foundation "Help a neighbor" has been  distributing food packages with cards from possible majoritarian candidates from the Party of Regions in relevant constituencies. Food bags are given to veterans and “children of war” at the location of residence in all the schools inKharkov, and brought to applicants’ homes as well. Food packages with the labels of the Fund "Help a neighbor" includes buckwheat, sugar, tea, condensed milk, butter, coffee and biscuits. In addition to campaign leaflets from the PoR candidate, it also contains phone book with a list of phone numbers of district administrations.

On July 18, inLeninsky district of Lugansk (constituency #109) free distribution of gift food sets (biscuits, canned food, bread) for pensioners took place in the very city center, in the shop "Sovietsky", in honor of St. Volodymyr’s day. These food packages were packed in bags with the name of Volodymyr Medianyk (member of the city council). Also, they included pre-election newspaper of Volodymyr Medianyk, who is a potential candidate from the Party of Regions.

Also, in Lugansk, in late June the team of "Shakhov" gave residents of Rubizhne, Severodonetsk, Stakaniv, Popasnaya, Lysychansk by 50 UAH. Preference was given to voters over 40. No passport data was required. Packages with campaign materials were also distributed by "Shakhov’s" team. In early July, a similar charitable activity was held in Krasnodon (constituency #109), at the mine #22. In Lugansk, the distribution of charitable aid from the representative of the “Shakhov’s” team Olexander Makarov was held three times – first, in early July in Taxopart rayon, then, on July 8-15 at 29 Shevtsova str., and later, on July 18-25 at 13 Proletariat qr. (constituency #109). The aid was provided exclusively to the residents of the Leninsky district. The structure of distribution was the same everywhere: "over-men of 20" were selected (a person who had to find 20 people), which went door-to-door and made lists of local residents (preference was given to pensioners). Then each over-men with of its twenty people came for aid. "Over-men" were paid 500 UAH. Only in the Leninsky district more than 6,000 people were paid.

In Lubensky constituency (Poltava region) public association "My Poltava Region" continues to work intensively. One of the last charitable actions took place on July2 in Lubny. It is in this district center the activists were handing out free food bags with labels of "My Poltava Region" near the building of the former House of Culture. The process itself took place in branded tents, in which more than 300 pensioners received packages with buckwheat, rice, pasta, oil, canned fish and condensed milk (annex #20, the action of PA "My Poltava Region", the city of Lubny). Citizens were also offered an alternative: they could have got6 kg of sugar instead of the food bag. And this is not a single action of this kind hold by "My Poltava Region". Already on July 15-16, pensioners could get food bags consisting of six products in another rayon centre - Orzhytsi.

On July 15, inthe villageof Krasne, Chernihiv region, on behalf of Vladyslav Atroshenko  flour and sugar were handed out, and next to that candidate campaign tents were located. On July 11, residents of Radianska Sloboda village received packages with2 kg of flour,2 kg of sugar and the card from Atroshenko. Distribution of food bags from Vladislav Atroshenko is also recorded in thevillage ofNovy Bilos, Chernihiv rayon, on July 17.

In Kiev potential candidates continue to distribute food packages: M.Lutsky (tea, cereals, oil, sugar, buckwheat), Z.Shafarenko, H.Hereha (by1 kg. of sugar, rice, wheat flour, 1 jar of condensed milk and sprats, a package of cookies "Maria", a sponge cake "Chocolate Castle", a pen labeled "Halina Hereha" and notepad with a magnet on the refrigerator), V.Pylypyshyn. However, for now the candidates have changed the tactics – switched to targeted delivery of packages. The lists to provide "targeted support" are formed by either janitors, or employees of state building maintenance companies. It is difficult to record such distribution of food bags, as vehicles transporting them have no marks or symbols of the candidates.

The site of the newspaper "Young Bukovynets" publicized the information that ex-Mayor of Novodnistrovsk (Chernivtsi region), and now a potential candidate in constituency #204 Ruslan Panchyshyn distributes flour in an amount of 5 kg per person. http://molbuk.ua/chernovtsy_news/48167-na-bukovin-eks-mer-novodnstrovska-rozdaye-pensoneram-boroshno.html. After publication of this information Front of Change announced exclusion of Ruslan Panchyshyn from the party and condemned his actions.

Atypical forms of charity

In the Volyn region CF "LoveUkraine", the honorary chairman and donor of which is a potential candidate for constituency #154 Danylo Korylkevych, in early July announced the launch of a new contest of mini-grants for community development. The total budget of the competition is 70 thousand UAH.

The charitable foundation of an MP Serhiy Klyuyev "From a Pure Heart" implements "Project Contest-2012" (Donetsk region). This contest is aimed to provide financial support of project initiatives of citizens. It should be noted that Klyuyev carries out project contest every year, but now he actively participates in running the contest.

The representative of the Party of Regions Olexy Kunchenko in Severodonetsk organized a charity event in June, "Glasses to veterans." About 1,000 glasses were distributed among  the veterans. This action was carried out with support of local authorities and assistance of local multidisciplinary hospital.

Youth organization of the Party of Regions “Young regions" encourages its members by providing discounts on various "youth" services and products throughoutUkraine. Those who are not the members of the organization, are offered a card of KCSA chairman Olexand Popov.

Within July, an MP Ihor Rybakov had been carrying out an activity on assuring unpaid hairdressing services in Sosnytsya area (Volodymyr Pekhov, constituency № 64, Zhytomyr region).


  1. On the eve of the official start of the election process only six political parties have deployed full-scale campaigning in Ukraine. These are the Party of Regions, AUA "Batkivshchyna", the Communist Party of Ukraine, the parties "UDAR" and "Ukraine-Forward", as well as AUA "Svoboda". Other parties have not deployed  a nationwide campaign.
  2. The pre-election activity of the leading political parties in July differed significantly. "Batkivshchyna" and "Svoboda" are focused on the activities relating to the language problems. The party "UDAR” and "Ukraine-Forward!" have stressed the positive qualities of their leaders. The Communist Party of Ukraine raised the issue of social justice and inequality in the incomes. In its turn, the Party of Regions in its campaigning actively use social initiatives of the government and language problems.
  3. The process of nomination of candidates for people's deputies of Ukraine remained non-public. Only the party of Vitaly Klytchko "UDAR" in advance publicized the complete list of candidates in the nationwide and single-mandate constituencies. "Batkivshchyna", CPU and "Svoboda" did not perform prior disclosure and discussion of the lists of candidates. Some candidates for single-mandate constituencies were presented by the Party of Regions at local conferences, however, the real discussion was not provided. "Ukraine-forward!" continued to pursue action «People’s list" in all the regions, however the final list of candidates had remained unknown until the Party Congress.
  4. In terms of representation in single-mandate constituencies the Party of Regions was the most effective. "Batkivshchyna", the Communist Party of Ukraine, "Svoboda", the parties "UDAR" and "Ukraine-Forward!" are significantly behind this political party by the number of active majoritarian candidates.
  5. 5.  The campaign in single-mandate constituencies revolves around the economic problems of local communities and social needs of specific groups of voters. Almost none of the majoritarian candidates l have yet announced their plans in relation to legislative activity. In the course of the campaign a significant role of local authorities is recorded in the districts, since their support increases efficiency of majoritarian candidates’ initiatives.
  6. 6.   Potential majoritarian candidates massively use various forms of indirect bribery of voters. Most goods and services are provided by pro-government candidates, however, opposition candidates have also been noticed in this regard. During the unofficial pre-election campaign charitable foundations of candidates were the primary means of indirect bribery of voters. Cases of cash bribery are not that widespread yet, but their number continues to grow.
  7. 7.  The campaign affects the inter-factional and inter-party conversions that observers record in different regions of Ukraine. Election interests of various political parties determine the personnel changes in the local State Administrations and Local Authorities.
  8. 8.  The closer it is to elections, the more conflicts, which directly or indirectly involved the law enforcement bodies, arise. Opposition activists are investigated by law enforcement agencies. There are many cases of obstruction of political parties’ campaign activities.
  9. 9. The number of "black PR" cases grow, majoritarian candidates are leading in terms of use of this election campaign method.
  10. 10. Coming back to a partially  majoritarian system created broad  opportunities for systemic application of financial triggers, when working with voters. The trend to use election charity as a campaign technology has been recorded over the past three months and it becomes more and more aggravated. The actual voter bribery – including with cash – is deliberately hidden under the mask of charity and is mainly carried out on behalf of the newly established charitable foundations. Intending to avoid responsibility for the obvious offense potential candidates carried out charitable activities at most within the pre-election period, when they were not in the status of "the subjects of the election process." However, the lack of severe sanctions in the election legislation and limited application of criminal law for bribery of a voter do not provide adequate safeguards for the mass use of such practices during the official campaign

[1]  Ministry of infrastructure ofUkraine is the main body in the system of central bodies of executive power in forming and implementing state policy in the field of avia, auto, railway, marine and river, city electrical transportation and in the fields of using air space ofUkraine, tourism, resourts, metro, roads, ensuring preparation and implementation inUkraine infrastructural projects.